She was one of the hosts for NTU CAC's annual talentime, Impresario, (think it was) 2 years back.
She was quite an MC. Efferverscent, articulate, and funny. Effectively bilingual also. Speak england her diction sounded nice and natural, then hear her speak chinese on FM933 also sound quite sexy.

Definitely one of the DJs i like best at the station.
When she was a part-timer at 93.3 (before grad), she hosted a 4-hr show on saturday. then got this segment about animals, dunno if anyone rem. But it stuck with me coz that time me "comrades" and i was mugging for exams at canteen B, felt like time was running out and all, and there on the radio was a fellow student sounding like "Huh? Wat Exam?" still as casual as ever. haha. sounds real nice on the radio lar her voice ~da bomb lar, she