"..his compositions are better than his singing..." -> sounds like Jonathan Lee and Li Ya Ming

Haha, actually for many composers, their compositions are usually better than their singing. Not everyone is like Xiong Tian Ping, Sky Wu, Huang Da Wei, etc who can sing as well as they compose. Ocean Butterflies is also where Kit Chan struck out, but I don't see much problems with her case. For a debut album, I feel it is of at least above-average standards, but perhaps some listeners may have higher expectations than others. But I agree that Zilchster seems to have some comments on Ocean Butterflies' management. I think it will be good for you to feedback to them, because I find your comments quite valid on some points. OB deserves to go further given their contribution to the local music scene, so being a local music supporter like you, I'm sure you would want to see OB go further with improvements, right?

JJ's singing technique is a bit similar to AhDu, but I will attribute it to the training they got under the same vocal school. Ronald Cheng used to sing so much like Jacky Cheung too (his voice is really similar as well), because he underwent the same training, but after more releases, he started to develop his own singing style, so hopefully it will be the same case for JJ. Dancing is not his forte, just like people will not comment on Sun Yanzi's "dancing" (refer to Lu Guang), so the same reasoning, it will not be fair to comment on JJ's.
Hope my comments didn't offend anyone. Support local music!