Originally posted by |Uv`-f|UtE-`:
1) Lao Di Fang
2) Mu Chuan Ming Ge Can Ting
3) Ai Qing Hai Ming Ge Can Ting
4) Yi Pao Er Hong
5) Others
dunno all tis names correct anot...
I like Ai Qing Hai , love the atmosphere there.... Esp like tis singer - zhong wei....
tis coming sat gotta cai li lian n cai wei bin singing there , anyone goin.... ?
which Lao Di Fang you go to? Not the Marina Sq one, right? Because I don't remember got people singing there...
I like MuChuan best, followed by Ai Qing Hai, but haven't been to both for a long time.
- Like MuChuan -- because I've been going there since it opened around 10yrs ago, and the atmosphere is not bad (though speakers and TV spoiled the ambience a little

- Like AQH -- because my favourite S'pore singer Hong Shao Xuan sings there on part-time basis, about once a month. Cai LiLian too, and of course, AQH was the place when I first saw Dreamz FM perform