Hi guyz! I just got introduced to this forum by my frenz.. coz I come from englizh school and all my other classmatez listen to weztern pop.. feel a bit left out..usually..
Anywayz, do you guyz realize tat recently there have been lotza chinese pop seminarz going on?? Juz last moth it waz some Liu Zhiwen guy formerly from Li Wei Song's school...he even went on Channel News Asia...
And then thiz sunday there iz another chineze pop seminar.

I think got Penny Tai (my idol) and Huang YunRen (I think he's Tanya Chua'z Ex BF, but never really see him before) and XiaoHan that lyricizt..And some DreamzFM and Two-girlz former member..
Feel like going..coz they claim to have some insider info about the pop scene plus got Penny...but you guyz think whether itz worth it or not.. itz so damn long..like 5 hours or somethin.. at some esplanade recital hall..(so wulu)...plus my fren tried emailing to that pdbpromo address they said no more ticz.. There r alternate wayz of getting in, anyone know how?? I'm juz lazy to check it out..

or maybe you guyz have some tics that you can spare.. I need 3..

But seriouzly, iz it worth going?