Sg has got a new MCV the Danish-built Hydrema 910 MCV Series 2.

Hydrema 910 MCV ,mine clearing vehicle.Side view, right side.
During mine clearing operations, the vehicle is driven in reverse with the cab to the rear.
Picture courtesy of Jacob Bjoern, Holstebro.

When being driven on roads, the cab is to the front.
Rear view, left side
Picture courtesy of Henrik Clausen, Copenhagen
fr 72 chains x 900 g x 400 revolutions per minutes to clear mines deep in the soil.
3.Save man power and lives!!
To clear 100m x 3.5m of land.It takes 30 men x 5 to 7.5 hours to clear and
risking their lives.
It takes just 15 minutes to clear by this giant vehicle.4.ST reported this new babe on 11.06.2005.Why nobody reports this news??
This forum seems dieing.Very few people come to share.
While u enjoy this forum,pll take some effort to dig out some info to share here.It will multipliter our pleasure.No classified info,pl.5.Compare with old MCV operated from M60 armoured vehicle platform.
