U can skin the Tiger step by step.
We can afford to fire few more arounds of ABM.
Anyway,ST is one of the top 40 mm grenades producers.
Besides optics,u can destory tank GPMG.
When tankee cant see from inside,they lose the patience.
They will call for reinforcement or come out.
Their weapons is the gun,GPMG and their PWD.--and the tank.
When they lose the gun and GPMG,u just short
of the tank protection.But u have ABM of up to 500--800m range.
u can see the tank,but they may not be able to locate u.
Looks like we are ahead of XM 25
Looks like you are wrong.
Can this match up to a thermobaric warhead that has the potential to totally destroy a room? Plus 25mm projects much further then 40mm, is easier to aim, and you can carry more of these as well.
The 20mm shell of the OICW has been replaced by a 25mm shell. The 20mm was originally adopted because the weapon and the ammo would be lighter, and the weapon was too heavy as it was. The XM29's weight was a major factor in its cancellation. Splitting the grenade launcher off into its own weapon allowed the step up to the 25mm shell, which increases performance by about 50%.
The 25mm shell in the XM-25 provided some more options, and, it is hoped, more lethality. The US has fired over 30 million 25mm shells from the cannon on its M-2 Bradley armored vehicles and was satisfied with the lethality of that shell against infantry. One of the new options with a larger shell is a fuel-air explosive (or "thermobaric") shell for the XM-25. Such a shell would cause greater blast effect in an enclosed space, and actually suck most of the oxygen out of a cave or closed room long enough to make surviving troops at least a bit groggy. In combat, every bit helps.
The 20mm and 25mm "smart shells" use a computer controlled fuze in each shell. The M-25 or M-307 operator can select four different firing modes via a selector switch on the weapon. The four modes include "Bursting" (airburst). For this to work, the soldier first finds the target via the weapons sighting system. This includes a laser range finder and the ability to select and adjust the range shown in the sight picture. For an air burst the soldier aims at an enemy position and fires a round. The shell is optimized to spray incapacitating (wounding or killing) fragments in a roughly six meter radius from the exploding round. Thus if enemy troops are seen moving near trees or buildings at a long distance (over 500 meters), the weapon has a good chance of getting them with one shot. M-16s are not very accurate at that range, and the enemy troops will dive for cover as soon as M-16 bullets hit around them. With smart shells, you get one (or a few) accurate shots and the element of surprise.
The other modes are "PD" (point detonation, where the round explodes on contact), PDD (point detonation delay, where the round detonates immediately after it has gone through a door, window or thin wall) and "Window", which is used for firing at enemy troops in a trench, behind a stone wall or inside a room. The round detonates just beyond the aiming point. For buildings, this would be a window or door frame, cave entrance or the corner of a building (to get enemy troops thought to be around the corner.)
While the XM8 is basically nothing more than an incremental improvement to existing assault rifle technology, the XM25 is a great leap forward for individual fire support.
What does this look like except we are rushing out a poor ripoff copy of the XM25 concept? Just because pirated DVDs hit the streets sooner then the original hardly means the quality is the same.
Even the australians are getting into the act:
The Advanced Individual Combat Weapon (AICW) is a prototype assault rifle being developed in Australia. The AICW combines a standard 5.56 mm assault rifle with a multiple-shot grenade launcher. It is still in testing stages and may potentially replace the F88 Austeyr by 2010 - 2012.
The AICW was developed by the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) in alliance with Metal Storm and Tenix Defence Systems the AICW received funding primarily through the Australian Government’s Capability and Technology Demonstrator (CTD) program. The M203 40 mm grenade launcher is currently the most common weapon of this type. The M203 is an add-on to the assault rifle, fitting beneath its barrel. However, the single-shot M203 has ergonomic disadvantages with two sets of triggers and sights, and the operator has to change firing stance to change from firing the rifle to operating the grenade launcher.
The AICW aims to provide the infantry soldier with the ability to fire multiple grenades without having to reload, and to switch between 5.56 mm ballistic rounds and 40 mm grenades without changing sights, trigger or stance, giving the operator more versatility and reduced reaction times in combat.
Since the 40 mm grenade launcher entered service in the early 1960s the United States Army has been trying to develop a weapon with a capability similar to the AICW. The latest attempt, the Objective Individual Combat Weapon (OICW) project, was launched in 1986 but abandoned in 2004 having not achieved its aims, largely due to excessive size and weight of the weapon.
AICW, with its stacked round grenade launcher, does not require the weight, volume and complexity of conventional mechanical loading. This makes the weapon more compact and potentially far lighter. For further information see Australian Minister for Defence Press Release in 2005.[1]
The United States Army and Australian Army are currently participating in the development of the AICW using Metal Storm technology (2006).
What i dont like about the multi round grenade launcher is that unless you are willing to log around 3 rounds everywhere you go, there is no difference(minus no casing to unload). Which preparation, you have the time to load in 3 rounds and that's the advantage.
I highly suspect that we have a thermobaric type weapon, It's the enhanced blast 40mm grenade. ST just renames it to avoid controversies.
Well.It may take more arounds to hit 500 to 800 m away targets.
200---300 m seem can be done.Anyway,there is no point argue
here.Just wait and see.ST guys will face the music if the new
40 mm ABM can not do the prescribed jobs.
Wait for US technology mature!!
This is the second forumer to advance this theory.
If i am not wrong,u mean US dunt come out with any particular
products,just wait for technology mature.
Once their products roll out,ST stuff become
a 286 computer v a US future technology platium 3 computer.
But the question is when?US and USSR sent men into space
when the computer is as big as a car in 1960's which can be
replaced by your lap top you are using now.
Bro.My humble ideas is come out with required products
with CURRENT technology ,not FUTURE technology.
Future technology is just a hope and may not come true,
and appear in advertisement quite often.
Current technology is real and usable.
US one is 30 mm.I cant see how it is more capable.
Pl tell me.
Programme Mile Stones of
• Start R&D (ABMS) Early 1998
• Start Partnership OCP - ST Kinetics May 1999
• Contract Signed with FMV-Sweden Dec. 2000
• Prototype Delivery FMV-Sweden May 2002
• Product Qualification Completed End 2003
• Start Serial Production 2004
FMV--- Swedish Defence Materiel Administration,www.fmv.se
http://www.dtic.mil/ndia/2003fuze/buckley.pdf p 23
see also ST SSW joint adventure projects:
Ranges are short!--p 11,very interesting
SAGL 1 to 5--1 to 5 rounds
so we are still waiting for the SSW as shown in above.
40mm rifle mounted is just a interim weapon of dual calibres.
pl read
hope this diagram help u remember relationships between
speed and Trajectories.
I assume this new 40 mm is single shot.
2.remember if your target is moving.
You really have a problem with your head... we don't even engage a tank with a LAW from that distance, and you think we'd try to do it with a 40mm, ABM or NOT...
You really have a problem with your head... we don't even engage a tank with a LAW from that distance, and you think we'd try to do it with a 40mm, ABM or NOT...
As I said all he does is post cute little pictures and stuff but he has never fired a 40mm before... I have.
Simply put, unless the target is not moving it is extremely difficult to hit a target at range for the simple reason the round is so slow you have to put a very large lead on the target or if the target simply stops or turns during the time you'll miss entirely assuming your range was even right in the first place.
And beyond that, there's also the issue of CEP at that range. A human operator firing a hand held weapon shooting a slow, heavy round at extreme range is going to have a nice, fat CEP.
Even if the round is smart and programmed to explode at the right range, it is still UNGUIDED in itself... if you aim it wrongly or it simply misses there is no point, you'll just announce your prescence to the enemy.
Bro.My humble ideas is come out with required products
with CURRENT technology ,not FUTURE technology.
Future technology is just a hope and may not come true,
and appear in advertisement quite often.
Current technology is real and usable.
Please don't act ignorant... you're the first one to post in here whenever Singapore is dabbling around with new and untested technology like in biotechnology and now you're an advocate of sticking with current technology?
In this case, current technology is reaching it's limit with the 40mm. It's like buying a LaserDisc player when the DVD is just about to come out.
The new grenade concept the yanks are working on is already sound, and can work... what they are.
US one is 30 mm.I cant see how it is more capable.
Pl tell me.
You can't see how it's more capable because you are afraid of admiting that Singapore didn't make the best choice in this case, have NEVER fired a 40mm at all, as well as simply STUBBORN like all your other threads in this forum where you must argue even silly points until people prove you so wrong you have no more words to speak.
The 25/30mm format is not only faster, it means the user has a far easier time aiming as the flight path of the round is flatter as well taking far less time for the round to reach the target.
Even better, one soldier can carry far more of the new grenades then the new
Well.It may take more arounds to hit 500 to 800 m away targets.
200---300 m seem can be done.Anyway,there is no point argue
More rounds? Are you advocating we waste precious 40mm ammunition of which a grunt has a VERY limited supply on handportable indirect fire that can be solved more effectively by a 120mm Mortar?
You are right, there is no point arguing... it's obvious you never shot a 40mm grenade as well, you simply have no idea how the thing works. It's not impossible to hit something at 300-400 meters, but it's a STUPID idea for the reason that your probability of hitting them is so low let alone seeing the target itself, that it isn't even attempted unless you are in a nice big open space and the target itself is not moving.
Trying to hit a small target at extreme range like optics on an MBT with an indirect, slow round is sheer lunacy, we have a problem trying to hit the ENTIRE TANK with LAW rockets at that range.
That all said, I think your idea of trying to engage tanks with this is insane. Modern MBTs can hit 3 foot tall targets out to 2000 METERS, and their sensors and optics can easily pick you out at that range and mail you HE round long before you can even shoot.
Not to mention in order to really disable the optics, you need to score a direct him. The sights of an MBT are armoured and will not be harmed by the fragmentation effects of a 40mm. They are only vulnerable on the armoured glass (which can easily wistand fragmention as well) Not only is that incredibly hard to do at range, it means that you'll have to shoot right down the viewing arc of the tank.
Which means that the tank crew will be seeing you as you take your shot. The probability of you killing the tank optics with a fragmentation round is extremely low, but the probability of the tank killing you with return fire from it's main gun and machine guns is extremely high.
Do you have any idea how to disable tank optics with a 40mm grenade? The glass on the optics are bulletproof and can resist small-arms fire, what makes you think tiny pellets from a proximity explosion smart grenade will have any effect?
Worse, modern MBTs now have TWO main optics, so you have to attempt your little idea TWICE. How quickly you want to get killed?
All I can say is, another lionnoisy MythBusted!
40mm rifle mounted is just a interim weapon of dual calibres.
If it's an INTERIM weapon, why are you yelling so much about how it's better then what the yanks are coming up with with which is a Future Combat System?
If we are getting F-15s as INTERIM multirole fighter, are you going to yell about how it's ahead and better then the JSF or the F-22?
Please, your arguments are so self-contradictary it's laughable... it's obvious that you have trapped yourself in a corner by trying to argue that it's "ahead" on the XM-25, just like the time you tried to argue Mandai UAF was equal or better to Cheyenne Mountain.
Here's a tip, if you want people to be really proud of what ST can come up with, then stop trying to make it best systems that are obviously way ahead of it.
What's next? You're going to claim our Bx2s can outfight the new Japanese and Korean MBTs? Or if ST comes up with something new you'll suddenly say that it's all about future technology suddenly like all your biotech research threads?
It's obvious you have no consistent stand in ANYTHING in here, the only method behind your madness is that you need to be noisy about each and every single thing Singapore come up with and try to relentlessly put it over every other thing, even if you run out of logic doing so.
I think you need intellectual rigour in your arguments...
Pls read:
Intellectual rigour
An attempted short definition of intellectual rigour might be that no suspicion of double standard be allowed: uniform principles should be applied. This is a test of consistency, over cases, and to individuals or institutions (including the speaker, the speaker's country and so on). Consistency can be at odds here with a forgiving attitude, adaptability, and the need to take precedent with a pinch of salt.
In relation to intellectual honesty
Intellectual rigour is an important part, though not the whole, of intellectual honesty — which means keeping one's convictions in proportion to one's valid evidence.[2] For the latter, one should be questioning one's own assumptions, not merely applying them relentlessly if precisely.
What happened lionnoisy? Cat got your tounge again? You not only failed to answer me but revived your old Australian Navy thread.
OMG i missed a lot! lion! shooting tank with 40mm grenade! lol....
only lionoisy can do this kind of stunt....you see any tank gunner wont shoot a retard with a 40mm up his arse, thats the way lionoisy get close to the tank.....
lionoisy! fail!
Originally posted by tankfanatic:OMG i missed a lot! lion! shooting tank with 40mm grenade! lol....
only lionoisy can do this kind of stunt....you see any tank gunner wont shoot a retard with a 40mm up his arse, thats the way lionoisy get close to the tank.....
lionoisy! fail!
LOL, I wonder what is his next idea? That we can knock out tanks from 500-800 meters with locally manufactured ST 5.56mm bullets?
Have i said ABM can destory tank or APC?
No.I just say it can act a vision killer,not blow up them.
Since u all experts say cannot act a vision killer to those
armoured sight,it is fine.
Are there similiar dual calibres weapons capable in mass production ?
Dual mean rilfe + grenade launcher with laser-rangefinder self-destruct ABM.(i assume single shot grenade launcher)
I just want to know the answer.Yes or no.And their stages of development.
Ahead dunt mean more advance.Because there is no comparsion.
Ahead mean ST capable in mass production .
Diameter of rifle and launcher doesnt matter.
Rifle include 4mm to 7.62 or there about.
Launcher from 15 mm to 45 mm or there about.
Just tell us the info.Comparsions is not a must.
XM 25 Fuel air ABM---when the dream come true?
Traditional fire powder
US dunt have any crew serve traditional fire powder
ABM in mass production, not to mention hand held weapon.
i will talk about XM 307 later.
Fuel air grenade
Fuel air is a really new technology.Is there any crew serve fuel air
ABM grenade launcher?If not,then they want to run before thay can stand up.
u have to make it at crew serve grenande launcher then shrink
it into hand held.
Step by step,brother.
I dunt know when US can sqeeze into a hand held Fuel Air weapon.
Though i read in global security that some Yankee alreday use it in Middle East.
Just wait.Be patient
XM 25 may be the best in the FUTURE.Pl wait.
as at 2005 info
• Current Development ongoing
• 3QFY04 Government developmental testing begins
• 3QFY05 Milestone B
• 4QFY08 Milestone C
• 2QFY10 Full-rate production decision
• 4QFY10 First unit equipped---(lion note 4 th quarter 2010)
Alliant Techsystems (Plymouth, MN)
Brashears LP (Pittsburgh, PA)H&K (Oberndorf, Germany)
XM 307--when roll out in mass productions
• 3QFY04-FY07 System development
and demonstration
• 1QFY05 Integrated system test 1
• 2QFY05 First prototype weapons delivered
to unit of action vehicle developers
• 4QFY07 Milestone C
Again .pl wait for US this FCS weapon.--DVD
No need to wait if u can bear with this VCD--
40mm Air Bursting Munition System (ABMS)
Light Weight Automatic Grenade Launcher (LWAGL)http://www.stengg.com/CoyCapPro/detail.aspx?pdid=138
Mysterious US
''Low velocity air burst munition and launcher system implemented on an existing weapon''
Document Type and Number:United States Patent 7021187Inventors:Grassi, James (Rockaway, NJ, US)Application Number:10/708772Publication Date:04/04/2006Filing Date:03/24/2004Assignee:The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Army (Washington, DC, US)
STK and Metal Storm in Paris.
view the Discovery Channel video and in youtube.
Are there similiar dual calibres weapons capable in mass production ?
Dual mean rilfe + grenade launcher with laser-rangefinder self-destruct ABM.(i assume single shot grenade launcher)
I just want to know the answer.Yes or no.And their stages of development.
Ahead dunt mean more advance.Because there is no comparsion.
Ahead mean ST capable in mass production .
XM 25 Fuel air ABM---when the dream come true?
Traditional fire powder
US dunt have any crew serve traditional fire powder
ABM in mass production,
You are WRONG again.
Firstly, systems like the FN2000 were around in production long before there were smart grenades. The concept is hardly new.
And as for a smart grenade launcher that has been produced and USED in combat:
Mk 47 Striker
The Mk 47 Mod 0 or Striker 40\is a 40 mm grenade machine gun with an integrated fire control system, capable of smart programmable 40 mm shells in addition to various 'dumb' rounds.
In addition to being able to fire traditional grenades like the Mk 19 grenade launcher, it can fire smart grenades that can be programmed to air burst after a set distance. A computerized sight allows the user to set this distance.
The model is currently being evaluated by the United States armed forces and the Israeli Defence Forces. It is currently in combat use by some US Special Operations forces in Afghanistan
Program status
- July 2006 - General Dynamics awarded $23 million contract for Mk 47 production.
How lionnoisy? Nothing to say now?
I wonder what excuse you are going to come up with next?
Also, the FN2000 is an example of a system that is in MASS PRODUCTION that is dual caliber and NOW capable of firing smart grenades:
The standard F2000 comes with a plastic forward handguard and an optical sight with 1.6x magnification. The sight cover and sight itself can be removed to reveal a Picatinny rail. The forward handguard can be removed to equip a variety of accessories such as laser aiming modules (LAM), 40 mm grenade launcher with push-button safety, 12-gauge shotgun, M303 less-lethal launcher, or the triple rail found on the F2000 Tactical. The optical sight can be replaced with a special, computerized fire control system designed for the 40 mm grenade launcher. The fire control computer makes firing regular grenades much easier, though it cannot fire smart grenades. There is an Israeli system that uses the M203 and computerized sight to fire 40 mm air burst grenades.
East Timor - In the 2006 Operation Astute, peacemaker-forces led by the Australian Defence Force confiscated several of the weapons from the Timorese police forces. It is not known how the rifles came into the hands of the police forces.
Belgium - The F2000 rifle has been used by the Belgian Army Special Forces Group since 2004 and is currently introduced into the infantry as a successor to the standard FN FNC assault rifle. Initially, both rifles will be used alongside each other to a rate of two F2000 per eight-person infantry squad.
Chile - The Chilean Army Special Forces ("Fuerzas Especiales") use the F2000 rifle with the FN P90.
Pakistan - Pakistan Airforce Special Service Wing (SSW) use the F2000 among other weapons.
Peru - Peruvian special forces supposedly are actively using the F2000 rifle.
Poland - Used by GROM in limited numbers.
Saudi Arabia - Saudi Arabia is rumored to have signed a contract with FN Herstal in 2005 for 50,000 F2000 rifles to complement their P90s.
Slovenia - In June 2006, the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia signed a contract with FN Herstal to purchase 6,500 F2000 rifles as the new standard service rifle for the Slovenian Armed Forces. This is arguably the first confirmed large-scale adoption for this rifle from a European and NATO member country. The basic F2000 Tactical model was upgraded according to Slovenian specification and designated F2000 S, the most apparent feature being a raised Picatinny rail also functioning as a carrying handle. The rifle debuted on July 25th 2007. The rifle has been accepted warmly by the soldiers due to its ergonomics, accuracy and modularity. Rearmament will be completed by the end of 2007. In 2012 the Slovenian army is going to arm its reserve soldiers with the F2000 S as well. The Slovenian army will ultimately purchase 14,000 rifles.
Sounds like another case of the Fantail thread, where lionnoisy said that there wasn't any UAV smaller then Fantail and a whole lot of examples were raised.
Not surprisingly lionnoisy didn't answer the thread.
So how now lionnoisy? Now it seems ABM for you does not stand for AirBursting Munition, but Aiyoh Big Mistake!
before i answer ST questions,i want u see this cool image of SSW and
Compact Personal Weapon,both from ST.
Now ST can sqeeze the laser range finder into hand held weapon.
So,the next step,among other things,is to make the GL ABM work
in SSW.
SSW ,under development.phototype stage stated 2 or 3 years ago.
Compact Personal Weapon--in production,low recoil.Wt 1.5 kg.
(SAR 40 Laser LV ABM GL)
For this new version,i think it is single shot.
compare with the SAR 21 40 GL (single shot) below.
Originally posted by noisylion:
before i debunk more of lionnoisy post,i want u see this cool image of FN2000 and
Mk 47 Stryker ,both not from ST and can using ABM.
FN2000 is dual caliber already in mass production and can use israeli ABM, Mk 47 already use in combat in Afganistan and can use ABM
Now lionnoisy can sqeeze the laser range finder into hand held weapon.
So,the next step,among other things,is already done and make worked... Mk 47 Stryker USED in combat and FN2000 is already able to use ABM and in production long before STK ABM.
FN2000 already introduced in 2001, mass production long time ago.
FN2000 dual caliber, but 5.56mm rifle sldo more powerful then SSW small 5.7mm PDW.
MK 47 Stryker is AGL that can fire ABM, already use in combat!
Looks like other countries ahead of Singapore Technologies.
With billions of defense budgets.how come there is no
dual calibres hand held weapon in US?
I mean rifle plus grenade.Rifle + shot gun is ready or soon wil be ready
for Yankees.
Look at above proposed XM 8.Rifle plus single shot GL.Old stuff lah.
ST out already in market.'
ya.u would say XM 8 is damn good.Agree.Agree.
For rifle + GL.
I need
laser range finder for both calibres
for GL
Air burst
self--destruct for rounds.
Besides the one or two shared by STyrann,is there any more?
Don't avoid the question and ask for more examples. You asked for examples and got it now you have to answer the question.
How is STK even unique, or the first in this concept of ABM given others have already done it?
Even Rheinmetall Defence, which is a defence contractor that is much bigger then STK long has this figured out. As they said, the concept is NOTHING NEW and have their own line of 40mm ABM... the only difference it seems is that this is so chicken feat for them that they unlike STK, do not see the need to scream about it in local papers like the Straits Times to influence people like you who don't seem to know anything at all about all things military so you can start to extrapolate fantastic abilities like killing tank-optics at extreme range for it:
As the Germans said:
"The basic concept isn't entirely new. RWM Schweiz AG already developed its 35 mm Ahead ammunition for air defence more than ten years ago," says senior scientist Pierre Freymond. "The Ahead projectile contains a programmable time fuse that is inductively programmed at the muzzle. The fire control unit calculates the fuse setting time on the basis of specific parameters (such as air pressure, temperature, range and muzzle speed)."
Note, 10 years ago. STK is simply using a decade old idea.
I need
laser range finder for both calibres
Please don't demostrate your ignorance of military technology.
Why would you need a seperate range finder for both calibers? All you need is one and you shoot accordingly to the range as indicated by your sight.
Why increase weight for an extra range finder that will tell you redundant information? Do you need seperate salt shakers for your soup and fries?
With billions of defense budgets.how come there is no
dual calibres hand held weapon in US?
There is already a dual caliber weapon long in use by the US for decades:
Adding smart munitions to this is nothing new, just teaching an old dog new tricks, for some reason you seem to think that STK is the only company who knows how to do it.
If you are talking about why there isn't any smart grenade launcher in use currently, use your common sense:
Look at above proposed XM 8.Rifle plus single shot GL.Old stuff lah.
That is practical, not old. Instead of trying to figure out how to keep messing around with heavy and slow 40mm rounds, this is just a stopgap while they work with a new format, you want to mess around with stacking 40mm grenades or coming up with a clunky SSW to load them in a magazine be my guest.
What is old stuff? Trying to make old 40mm grenades "smart"? Or working to develop a new, faster, and more effective round?
Instead of just teaching new tricks to a limited 40mm grenade format, the US is researching on a new ammunition format that is up to 500 percent more capable in engaging targets then the old 40mm HEDP format.
It is obvious you have run out of examples and are just trying to twist each and every example, no matter how bad the point you create is in a weak attempt to try to show why STK even has anything on the yanks.
Unfortunately it's not working.
I mean rifle plus grenade.Rifle + shot gun is ready or soon wil be ready
for Yankees.
Another case of your not doing your homework.
This has long been in use, for some reason you seem to think it is "ready or soon wil be ready for Yankees"
What's next? You're going to ask if the AK47 is "ready or soon wil be ready for Ruskies?"
Air burst
self--destruct for rounds.
Besides the one or two shared by STyrann,is there any more?
More correctly the question should be "advanced firearms" concepts, are there anymore?
Firing air burst rounds is just one part of an advanced infantry weapon, what is more important if the other concepts are being implemented on not just the Squad Support level but also for the normal grunts.
Unfortunately for lionnoisy, STK is neither ahead, nor the first in this field... plenty of weapons developed by other countries are already in the game. Note that below is an not-complete list of advanced firearms being developed and produced by other nations.
Some can fire air bursting grenades, some are future-warrior capable, but they are all on par more advanced then what STK is marketing in the SSW.
Korea OICW- more powerful KE module then ST SSW as well as capable of smart grenade launching.
Australia OICW concept, using their metalstorm technology to stack 40mm rounds. The KE module again is more powerful then STK's SSW.
Note that the balance of this weapon, due to the fact that the HE module is above, rather then overslung, is superior to the front heavy SAR-21/M203, worse if the SAR-21 is using a stacked grenade launcher (technology ironically borrowed from the aussies lionnoisy tries to knock).
Israeli TAR-21 OICW variant -a modified TAR-21 rifle fitted with electronic sighting and fire control unit and tactical data interfaces.
Note the Israelis have developed smart grenades as well.
This variant once again, will have a more powerful KE module then STK's SSW.
Belgian FN2000, dual caliber, capable of firing smart grenades with FCS addon. Not surprisingly, a more powerful KE module then ST's SSW yet again.
Even the venerable M-4 has been decked to be capable of this ability, in the Land Warrior system with advanced sighting systems.