Originally posted by dechang:In that case how do people even manage to use parang in singapore?
Cannot be smuggle into singapore what cos parang is so big sure get caught if you smuggle into singapore
U think now people still use parang for gang fight ar?U find metal pipe easier than finding a parang leh...and seriously...it is damn stoopid to use parang for gang fight lor(although gang fight by itself is already a no-brainer)...anybody dies...U get charged for murder...fun meh?
how to smuggle is a skill that we shouldnt be discussing...suffice to say that as much as the customs people try to keep certain things out...it is not possible for them to guarantee that certain things are not in the country illegally.
Actually why carry a knife for self-defence? Utility is a better excuse. Also you can be pretty sure whoever's robbing you will most likely have a bigger knife... AFAIK, getting into a rambo knifefight is not what you want to do.
If you knew practical self-defence, you'll know that plenty of common, legal, everyday items can become rather effective improvised weapons in a pinch. The trick is carrying them with you all the time.
Somebody mugs you with a knife and you feel your life is in danger? You are probably better off risking a knife disarm, using a table or chair as an improvised shield or weapon (chairs are extremely useful if you point the four legs at your assailant), controlling the knife hand and then jabbing a thumb into an eye and following with a quick palm heel to the throat and then running away. Your run of the mill robber will probably not follow. If you feel you have more control you can try to take him down and armbar the knife arm, but that's pretty dangerous.
Practical tips on dealing with knives is not to focus on the blade, it's just a piece of metal. If you control the person's wrist joint or upper arm he can do very little with the knife actually. But personally I'd prefer to stay out of a knife fight entirely.
Remember he can throw the knife at you. hehe..
Originally posted by Lau bakkwa:Remember he can throw the knife at you. hehe..
Hollywood aside, throwing a knife is generally a bad idea in combat. You might miss, inflict a non fatal wound, and worse, end up donating a weapon to your opponent.
You're probably better off using the knife the way it was meant to- as a melee weapon.
Originally posted by SingaporeTyrannosaur:Hollywood aside, throwing a knife is generally a bad idea in combat. You might miss, inflict a non fatal wound, and worse, end up donating a weapon to your opponent.
You're probably better off using the knife the way it was meant to- as a melee weapon.
I usually don't chime in but:
1. Disagree, provided he plans to flee and not fight. Psychological effect.
Also, a knife is much harder to block due to the size, and will travel further than anything else in the same weight/size range. Catching a knife is not feasible due to hand injury, same goes for blocking too unlike a blunt object. It's also not easy to dodge a skilled knife thrower (I should know, I'm one )
When I used to teach Jeet Kune Do a few years back I always advised never to try disarm someone with a knife. It's not practical. Within 3m, a knife is more dangerous than a gun. Run. Seriously.
Originally posted by chanjyj:I usually don't chime in but:
1. Disagree, provided he plans to flee and not fight. Psychological effect.
Also, a knife is much harder to block due to the size, and will travel further than anything else in the same weight/size range. Catching a knife is not feasible due to hand injury, same goes for blocking too unlike a blunt object. It's also not easy to dodge a skilled knife thrower (I should know, I'm one
When I used to teach Jeet Kune Do a few years back I always advised never to try disarm someone with a knife. It's not practical. Within 3m, a knife is more dangerous than a gun. Run. Seriously.
No disagreement here. If you see anybody with a blade threatening you and you have the option to run... why are you not taking it instead of getting into a rambo knife fight thrown or not? Depends on the situation.
A skilled knife thrower isn't exactly the profile of your average mugger isn't it? If so then GG lor, but the average joe isn't exactly going to know how to throw a knife in a way that will end a fight. Unless you can get a deep enough penetration to hit a vital organ or blood vessel, a fight-ending incap from a thrown knife is unlikely. A guy closing the distance and stabbing you repeatedly might.
On the other hand if you are cornered and have no means of escape and you are reasonably sure the other dude intends on harming you. Then knowing a disarm or two is extremely useful. Beats putting your hand up and getting slashed to ribbons.
Additionally, disarms work best if used against a person not expecting it. Ala. he thinks he has the situation under control and is using the blade to threaten you from close range. If the dude is in a fighting stance and expecting trouble, the success rate of disarms rapidly drop, you're better off taking a table as a shield or something longer to wack him with.
There is no right answer, depends on common sense and what fits the case.
Originally posted by bhkw:so why is it singapore sells knives like spyderco ect.... and even camping knives at specialty shops and Giant (yes, the Giant supermarket) if we are not allowed to carry?
dont be ridiculous .. i'm talking about emergencys .. not carrying a samurai and walk around .. thats retarded ..
kilfer>>> hey thanks for the link ...
The bottom knife is camping knife?
No, you shouldn't be carrying a knife around, in your pocket or otherwise.
If you are student, and you carry a penknife for art and craft work in school, there is no reason for suspicion. Or if you are a scout / technician or anyone who finds use for utility knives for work, there is no reason for suspicions.
Other than reasonable circumstances, no one should be carrying a knife on them.