Teenager burst into flames after being hit with 11,000-volt electric shock as he stole power cable
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 11:13 AM on 8th June 2010

The teenager suffered extensive burns to his arms and head. His condition, initially described as life-threatening, is said to be serious but stable at the Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle
A teenager set himself on fire when he got an electric shock from an 11,000-volt copper cable he was trying to steal.
The 18-year-old was found ablaze in disused premises in Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, as a group of youths tried to remove the cabling.
He suffered extensive burns to his arms and head which were initially described as life-threatening.
The teenager, from Darlington, was taken to the University Hospital of Durham and later transferred to the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle where he is now said to be seriously ill but stable.
The incident happened at about 2pm on Saturday.
A second man, 19, also from Darlington, was arrested, interviewed by officers and released on bail pending further inquiries.
Detective Inspector Simon Orton, who is leading the investigation, said: 'This young man could have died.
'He will have to live with the consequences of his criminal action for the rest of his life.
'People who go out to steal copper cabling carrying electricity are putting their lives at risk.
'We have had a number of these types of burglaries recently and we want emphasise that the intruders are putting themselves in highly dangerous situations where death could result from dishonesty.
'Notwithstanding the dangers to which the thieves expose themselves, they are also potentially subjecting police officers and other members of the emergency services or general public to similar risks when we respond