
The talk was fun, especially the speaker. Not only his name is funny (Junior

), he himself is funny as well.
He showed us how he used Photo Booth to skive... damn nice.
Then there's the Time Machine. A bit like Windows Shadow Copy, but with nicer effects. When he first showed the Time Machine, I thought I really stepped into one.

The Time Machine is a much better recovery software than Windows own Shadow Copy IMO, but I wish they take out the effects. I'm can't stand 3D effects.
Then there's the Spaces thingy. If you use Linux, should know it. It's called Workspaces in Linux.
Just now saw him do one cool stuff before presentation starts... he select his documents, then click on don't know what, type in the folder name and all his files are moved there. Better than cutting and pasting!

Widgets part look very easy... creating screensaver is also another easy task... all that are so difficult in Windows.

Then the previewing of documents... better than Windows! Me thinks Linux also don't have this function...

Me thinks I'm tempted to change.