Have a colleague friend whom I knew for the past 10 years. Same age as me and we really click well.
We have worked together for years and became close. I even helped out at his wedding. His wife is very capable, studied and got a degree and eventually earned more than him. Both managed their marriage very well.
I saw him became a father and now he is a father of two recently.
Saw him changed to car a few times from old Daihatsu to the current Honda Civic now.
He going to buy a Executive Mansion flat or a condo.
I got my promotion ahead of him only becoz of my seniority.
He is a person of strong character and can act calmly in stressful situation. He knows when to relax and he can put work down without worrying. My bosses all like him. And he is going for promotion interview for senior management post next year.
I have never been jealous of him and I in fact....I really really envy him. Looking at my life and comparing to him, I feel like such a loser.

My wife is a quitter and dun contribute financially at all in our life.
I can't handle stress as well as him. My bosses dun like me as much as him.
I have no ambition to get a bigger house and I have no ambition to be senior management. and I keep worrying about my work.
Can only envy him....