Hi MosPosterior
Thank you for your interest, from your questions, you seems to be on the more serious, relax lah, as mentioned, its more for Leisure
Time of training? No official Day & Time, if kakis can make it, we hope to occupy the reserved lanes if the team becomes more serious, otherwise,
mostly by jioing each other.
Venue of training? Planet Bowl, not official
School Fee?
You pay your own game fees, perhaps buy drinks if you pick up some good tips and improve your games

What is the history of this team?
We've been around since 2001 or earlier....can't remember liao, coz don't really keep track. At PlanetBowl, its our 4th-5th seasons i think.
Aiya, there's always ups & downs in any team, people come people go, who can tell for sure what tomorrow's be, if can click continues, if cannot, let it be.
What are the benefits joining this team?
Depends on what you are looking for.......
The least one expect, the more one gains, the more one expect, the least one gets.

Bring yr friendly smile, humble words and since sincere heart you will gain the world.
How many member currently?
In Spooky Angels, there are 7, In Spook, there are about 20.
What skills are taught?
Basic to intermediate.....
Who will be teaching?
See who you trust more, but most of the time, i'll be the Kapo one

What preparation or citeria if we want to join?
100% newbie is not so suitable, with that said, so long as you can strikes and spares, and have basics skills, you should be there

You can also come down to see us bowl(discreetly or openly) every Tuesday night at Planet Bowl.
Thanks.. PM me if wish to find out more.