Let's confirm Sat meeting
9am(I think only SwedeSport and myself were keen on 8.30am)
Marina South
Location will be the carpark BEHIND the string of pubs....Hmmmm I don;t know what is the name. But as you enter into Marina South, You kind of follow this curvy road in towards all the bowling alley and stuff. When you hit the traffic light(I think there is only 1), Turn left. When you his the end, turn right at the T Junction. There will be a few quiet Carparks on your right. We meet in 1 of them. Try to keep an eye out for each other.
It would be good if we get an indication of who is going.
Currently - Ep, SS, t-r-s, doodler(till 9.30am) and of course myself. Anyone esle??
Oh yes I think Brian (Saab mechanic will be coming along)
Be there or be SQUARE!!!