Originally posted by jusgal:
yeah dats the spirit... take it easy enjoy your independence, find a group like yourself to hangout with, go for overseas holidays etc ... enjoy your single hood.
I always feel the proper age for settling down is abt 30+ to 40 because then as a single you probably seen many things & more mature, more worldly experienced and probably more sure of what you think takes priority of importance in a marriage.
By then you and your partner if decide to settle down or not will be more or less established in your careers, money is no longer a problem, both of you may also find then a high flying career is not so important anymore hence devote more time for family.
Where as a twenty something couple get rushed into a marriage, if never plan properly is in for a whole string problems, too focus on careers couples tend to drift apart. Then the house comes with loans leh? bills leh? in-laws leh? Kids come somebody gotta give up careers or make sacrifices, lost opportunities etc ... all sorts of preassures like these very easy leads to frictions.
slowly ar ...

... slow and steady wins the race ...