Sometimes, books demand to be written.
This is one of them.

Greg Campbell risked his life to research this book. He went into the bloodiest and most ignored battlezones in Africa, Sierra Leone, to bear witness and to document the senseless mayhem that has been going through the land there.
As he goes around the diamond mines, he sees the mindnumbing violence, the mayhem, the atrocities that go on daily in order to mine diamonds.
A land where children are given AK47s, doped up on drugs and sent to "fight a war" where the goal seems to be to terrorise the population into submission and slavery for the retirement funds of the warlords.
A land where "military operations" are carried out on the civilian population by commanders with nicknames like "Queen Chop Hands" and code named "Operation No Living Thing".
A land where the rebels go around at random, rounding up villagers and subjecting them to murder, rape and horrible mutilations, and a whole generation of people are left without hands and legs as the rebels chop them off and send them to the steps of the government.
This book will put you off diamonds forever.
As you start to realise the price paid for these trinkets are the blood of innocents.
Recommended. 4 1/2 out of 5