This book should be read by everyone who gives a damn about the future. It is that serious.

The book chronicles the inner struggle of a man who was chosen and trained to be an Economic Hit Man. He is the man who is instrumental in the creation of a Global Empire. One that does not care about the rights, or any consequences of its actions.
He tells of his story where he is Chief Economist of a "Corporatocracy". Where there are no holds barred when it comes to the taking over of the world. Misery and death do not deter the Chimaera that is insatiable, where whole countries are subverted, hoodwinked and its leaders corrupted into debt which is unpayable, so that the Corporatocracy can have a stranglehold on the country's resources.
When the EHM fail, Jackals move in and shady things happen. Democratically elected leaders are overthrown and misery results.
It is a story of the "New World Order" without the author realising it's happening.
For everyone who has a child, or wishes to allow the future generations a chance at life, this book must be read as it serves as a warning and offers hope to a world that is fast being eaten away by the unthinking evils of profit and power.
Recommended VERY highly! 5 out of 5 for the subject.