Hi all
I been keep wondering about this thing, which is very funny.
Every morning when i take MRT to work, i see this happening.
When the train reach the station, I see there is like maybe 20 person alight from the door i am standing (waiting to board the train)
There are 2 issue i wish to bring up which i think is funny.
At this point, normally people will allow passenger to alight before boarding. This is good, courtesy, and considerate thinking. But, when it is not in peak hour, in normal hour, we dun see this at all. Example when 2pm in the afternnoon, when train reach, passenger alight, but boarding passenger will force their way up, without giving way to alighting passenger.
Funny isn't it?
Second issue
I actually did a head count this morning. I counted about 20 plus people alight from the door i am waiting at. But the number of passenger who can borad the train? It is 10 only, and is squeeze max to the door already.
Isn't it funny, when 20 people come down, there should be at least 15 to 18 can go up (if u give allowance for bigger size passenger). Then each station happen like this, by theory n math count, the train should be more n more space!!! but now it the opposite is happening, more pple alight, less pple can board, but the train is more packed!!!
Is this funny?
like this in case 2, those pple are also civil-mind, cos they dunno how to move in also
no consideration
End of the day, conculsion, singaporean are all selfish people. :P
I also singaporean...
sometime i see these acts i feel so disgrace.
i try before i late for work, cos 1 bus dun wan stop, cos everybody dun wan move in. when bus move by, i see behind there alot of space, at least can stand another 10 or more people. Sometime i feel like stand in the middle of the road, dun let the bus move, unless those pple move in. haha
if they dun wan move, then we all late together lor, wan to die all die together mahz, haha
at least got space to stand they don't wanna move in..
got see before.. no seats, don't want to board??
969 at tamp int, 168 at WRI.
Hey man, I know the reason for the squeezing. It's because the MRT system now simply doesn't allow the boarding person to wait for the alighting people especially at peak hour.I am pretty sure that if u don't squeeze, you will probably have no time to board . Believe me..
even if can't board, can wait for the next train..
not say the there's only 1 train serving dat particular line..
Somethings in this world just doesn't make sense. You just spotted 2 of them.
funny thing lor
pple in train/bus are rushing for time
but they dunno how to be considerate n think of other pple
they jus squeeze infront, dun wan move back
i hope govt come out with a rule
bus driver is the king, if he see behind got space, pple dun wan move in, dun drive off. wait till pple move in then drive off.
Best siah
sure alot of pple KPKB
when ppl is blocking while i'm exiting, i'll just bang my way out regardless of the gender/age and i don't really care of u flew and fell a few steps back (and getting into trouble at times).
Maybe i'll try and stand at the door and not exiting if i'm bocked.. lol
when i'm entering, i'll stand right before the train and blocks the typical ppl while letting others to exit first before moving in.
What i mean is the door opening time for MRT is too short especially at some stations...
More of the people who travel in the MRT in the morning are the civic minded ones? More educated workers, students. Those who travel in the afternoon are usually the less civic minded ones...elderly(not in an offensive way but they tend to be more kiasu than the young ones, even though when train is empty), jobless people who are concerned for themselves at the point of time, foreigners(non-expats) etc etc.
welcome to singapore
Originally posted by sinicker:at least got space to stand they don't wanna move in..
got see before.. no seats, don't want to board??
969 at tamp int, 168 at WRI.
969 not too much of the case, but I shall say that I occured this before on svc 168.
I was chasing the bus as it has arrived at the berth. But i still see plenty of space on the bus sia, esp upstairs. Ppl dun wan board. Is this courtesy?At least they should tell the ppl behind, "You may board the bus, I am waiting for the next bus." At least must say that mah, or at least something like that.
So i still prefer to take 969, the queue not much ppl during off-peak, or even peak hours at WRI.
Originally posted by loyong83:What i mean is the door opening time for MRT is too short especially at some stations...
sometimes i tink how come at some traffic lights there are small digital screens that show the number of secs remaining for pedestrian to cross..
and why dun MRT trains have that on its doors too..
and have a standard time of like 15secs b4 door close or wad..
Originally posted by SBS8033D:969 not too much of the case, but I shall say that I occured this before on svc 168.
I was chasing the bus as it has arrived at the berth. But i still see plenty of space on the bus sia, esp upstairs. Ppl dun wan board. Is this courtesy?At least they should tell the ppl behind, "You may board the bus, I am waiting for the next bus." At least must say that mah, or at least something like that.
So i still prefer to take 969, the queue not much ppl during off-peak, or even peak hours at WRI.
u shld see 238 bah. ppl dunwan board got other ppl go and chiong onboard mind u there were ppl standing
Originally posted by ^tamago^:1. afternoon pax is more likely to consist of less educated and civil-minded people versus educated PMET’s and students in the morning, whose behaviour causes everyone else not to lose out in the “race”.
Not all students will be willing to move in.
Originally posted by jayh272416:u shld see 238 bah. ppl dunwan board got other ppl go and chiong onboard
mind u there were ppl standing
That time i went to tpy int. got an uncle keep shouting "shei yao shang kuai dian shang, wo men den ling wai ge". Then a lot of people still queueing behind(the queue damn long) faster rush. Lol .
cannot get out? just push.
anyone fall down? not your prob.
uh! what's funny, its normal what. Maybe you're funny, don't know its like that.
Funny this thread is not locked, for there existing thread on this thing.
be like me.
dun tk bus.
dun tk mrt.
Originally posted by wacko72kbit:cannot get out? just push.
anyone fall down? not your prob.
*thumbs up*
take taxi la
next time taxi also same, pple snatching
u wave, pple cut in and push u away
I kana before, that CB Kia
He KNN jus come n stand right in front of me, abt 1 metre only, n see got taxi jus wave, KNN CCB. I feel like whack him up. Wan to cut que also go further down la, CB stand right in front of me and snatch/wave, machiem wan challenge me like that.
Lucky i am enducated, if i pai kia i think i whack him liaoz, somemore that time is peak hour, very few taxi.