if anyone have noticed, there will be 3 new moderators to this forum. me, jcqh and willis_chong. i believe jcqh and willis will be able to bring this forum up further. keep contributing .
congrats =D
Originally posted by BusSpeeder:if anyone have noticed, there will be 3 new moderators to this forum. me, jcqh and willis_chong. i believe jcqh and willis will be able to bring this forum up further. keep contributing
Thanks for the update!
How do you guys become 'moderator'? Can share with us?
Congrats to all.
Congrats to all of you.
grats! :D
Originally posted by linwei20:How do you guys become 'moderator'? Can share with us?
I'm also interested.Anyway congrats.
Originally posted by Bus and Train LoVuR:I'm also interested.Anyway congrats.
Most probably because the previous moderators for this forum does not do it jobs. willis and jcqh are always in the forum posting train stuff.
hah congrats to our new mods! :D
May the train forum soar to greater heights!
finally new mods
Originally posted by jerryonhere:Most probably because the previous moderators for this forum does not do it jobs. willis and jcqh are always in the forum posting train stuff.
the previous moderators have more or less quit SGF by now except sbst275 and SBS9889U. reason for willis and jcqh to become the moderators is because of their contributions and with that, made the forum more active.
well i like the change as well.. is it possible to kick out those left train forum long ago ones...... so we will have more enthu wanted to be mod as well
Originally posted by Tilldeath23:well i like the change as well.. is it possible to kick out those left train forum long ago ones...... so we will have more enthu wanted to be mod as well
1st one is possible, the previous moderators can be kicked out. 2nd one is not possible. there's no need to have so many moderators in a forum. 3 more to replace the previous moderators is enough. moderator post is not given just because any person wants it.
well it shld be given to those who contributed alot.
like posting technical stuffs, such as what are CM mode and stuffs.. The developments of the BVE route..
Those people who are always helping out in the forum, that has benefitted other users when they want to search for information..
i agree.....but max mods in a forum now is 23
Originally posted by SBS n SMRT:i agree.....but max mods in a forum now is 23
there's no need to have so many moderators in this forum. i'm agreeing to what Interception_7 said though.
Originally posted by SBS n SMRT:i agree.....but max mods in a forum now is 23
Now max is 28 , the STOMP forum.
Originally posted by BusSpeeder:if anyone have noticed, there will be 3 new moderators to this forum. me, jcqh and willis_chong. i believe jcqh and willis will be able to bring this forum up further. keep contributing
How about you?
Now max mods stands at 29
1 question here...Is it the owner who chooses the mods?