As above, any SMRT working as Train Officer in this forum here? Do share with us your experience! Have met some Bus Captain but not Train Officer, so hereby asking whether any Train Officer here?
With Warmest Regards,
I don't think there is any here...
I'll be the upcoming TO.(Hopefully in Apr)Hahaha...
Originally posted by Din89:I'll be the upcoming TO.(Hopefully in Apr)Hahaha...
Originally posted by Din89:I'll be the upcoming TO.(Hopefully in Apr)Hahaha...
Good for you
Originally posted by Din89:I'll be the upcoming TO.(Hopefully in Apr)Hahaha...
Be sure to let us in the cab for a peek. Do share your experience when you are training.
Originally posted by Bus and Train LoVuR:Be sure to let us in the cab for a peek.
Do share your experience when you are training.
Or get some pics for some train simulation purposes! ;-)
Hopefully u can go in BSD to draw out the trains
Originally posted by Din89:I'll be the upcoming TO.(Hopefully in Apr)Hahaha...
Okay i will be waiting for your good news! Must share with me too cos i also want to be a TO too..
Originally posted by Din89:I'll be the upcoming TO.(Hopefully in Apr)Hahaha...
Wow, which line is that?
I prefer EWL/NSL..CCL is always AM mode..
Originally posted by Samuel Lee:Wow, which line is that?
They randomly assign TOs to whichever lines.
When i get older i hope i gonna work as DM..
(any questions?not Dicipline Master,nor Duple Mestec,nor Dreadful Movie,but depot manager...)
On 16 Apr,i went to Bishan to attend an interview for TO post.I had hearing problem since young & i did wear Hearing-aids on both ears.After filling up the form,i went to the counter to get a q number.When the staff saw me wearing hearing aids,she said i can't apply for TO cos' of my hearing..She instead offer me the Technical Officer,RSD post since i had NITEC in Electronics..
I really2 want to be a TO & now my dream is shattered..Why can't they give people like me a chance to prove to others that we can perform our duty well despite our disabilities??
Since then, i had applied to be a Train Captain for Sentosa Express & now waiting for news from them..
Originally posted by Din89:On 16 Apr,i went to Bishan to attend an interview for TO post.I had hearing problem since young & i did wear Hearing-aids on both ears.After filling up the form,i went to the counter to get a q number.When the staff saw me wearing hearing aids,she said i can't apply for TO cos' of my hearing..She instead offer me the Technical Officer,RSD post since i had NITEC in Electronics..
I really2 want to be a TO & now my dream is shattered..Why can't they give people like me a chance to prove to others that we can perform our duty well despite our disabilities??
Since then, i had applied to be a Train Captain for Sentosa Express & now waiting for news from them..
Not to offend you, but could it be the job scope requires constant hearing for things in the TO cabin and especially in the dark tunnels, and thus, does not allow TO with hearing disability?
Originally posted by willis_chong:They randomly assign TOs to whichever lines.
huh? Like that one ar? So, it means that the TO can go drive the Circle and EWL / NSL meh? Or did you mean, either NSL or EWL, which is assigned randomly.
Originally posted by Samuel Lee:Not to offend you, but could it be the job scope requires constant hearing for things in the TO cabin and especially in the dark tunnels, and thus, does not allow TO with hearing disability?
But u never know if u never try right??i thought it is very quiet when u are inside the cabin??
By the way, TO is for NSL/EWL. CSO is for CCL..
Originally posted by Din89:But u never know if u never try right??i thought it is very quiet when u are inside the cabin??
By the way, TO is for NSL/EWL. CSO is for CCL..
Maybe, I am too influenced on the CSO in NEL / CCL and everytime see the staff take a walkie talkie hearing things in tunnel (I noe TO cabin no walkie talkie), and hence, I think SMRT should have stated this hearing requirement clearly and stating the reasons of such, in order to have potential candidates not to shattered their dreams at the last moment.
Originally posted by Din89:But u never know if u never try right??i thought it is very quiet when u are inside the cabin??
By the way, TO is for NSL/EWL. CSO is for CCL..
I believe that SMRT refused the application is based on safety reason as well. Yes trying is no harm but driving a train at times will need superb concentration and well senses. Although being hearing impaired, it doesn't mean you cannot operate other machineries.
I am sure that train officers in other countries, especially high speed trains, require good hearing, besides sight and superb motor movements (hands, legs and coordination).
Don't give up, you may find your dream job, perhaps not now but I hope very soon~!
i had nothing to do, then i decided to look at the smrt website, i found a job opening as a train officer. anyone interested?
Originally posted by Amir95express:i had nothing to do, then i decided to look at the smrt website, i found a job opening as a train officer. anyone interested?
I am indeed interested to be one! But they said have to complete NS firs then can join. So sad..
me next 2 years after compleating my NS... TO here i come xD
I apply again=) but didn't stated that i had hearing loss..hahaha..
Just for sharing: Train Officer starting pay less than SG$1k, how do you feel?
That would be well....not really good.