Go to the bank, and ask the banker. They will be more willing to introduce their investment service to you and will help you open an investment account with the relative agencies. So far.. i like DBS Vicker.
u might as well invest in commodities better? heed the advise of commodities king, jim rogers.
My interests is quite aligned with Rooney9. Commodities and precious metals are worthwhile investments for the next decade, if you haven't already started investing in these assets.
But stocks do catch my attention in particular for companies involved in the agriculture, technology, construction equipment, precious metals and pharmaceuticals.
Drop me a message at walkingatnights@yahoo.com. I would love to brainstorm with you on your knowledge of the life science research to give me a glimpse into the industry,
Turbulent, can you share with us your views on REITs?
I personally find that REITs will do well in Singapore over the next few decades.
Wow, it's out of my field as I have no experience investing in REITs, but I am a property investor.
Well, if you are taking a long term view of the next decades, properties in Asia Ex-Japan, South America and Africa are certainly good buys. Especially with South America, Africa, Indonesia and Malaysia which are still relatively underpriced as compared to developed countries and China, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, etc.
Long-term definitely with the growth in their respective economies and boom in both employment and population.
But for the short-term, properties may experience a decline in their prices, in line with the overall share market, with the added pressure of people holding on to cash and no buying properties and risk of bad debts turning into foreclosures and oversupply.
So maybe we should wait for prices to fall in the short-run, and buy 2 years later?
Not sure if what I post will help but anyway.........
Once I had a poly lecturer and she told us her previous jobs.
First, she was life sc researcher than a Govt of Sg Corp investmentr adviser and lastly a poly lecturer.
It was this second job that I think may help or interest you.
Her job was mainly travelling to US to sniff out good bio-tech startup or established bio-tech co. to ascertain its long term viability and reported back to the sg govt.
She said you need to travel a lot, cant depend on journal because most of these bio-tech cos. are located in the US or Europe and what appeared in the journal was already old news anyway.