hi callan:
yeb, it's moi replying again......
well, firstly, i do agree with u saying that u want a stable career and income before marriage.

it's nice of u to think that having the financial capabilities to support the family's every need will make the family happy. no doubt it will. i gather from here that u prefer ur wife to stay at home and look after the kids and enjoy life?
anyway, one point i don't agree with, is that if u don't have enough money to support ur family, they won't be happi. i think, ur wife will go thru' thick and thin with u, if not, how can she even call herself ur wife. u think that being able to provide ur wife a comfortable life is ur responsibility. right? well, i think ur wife would be gladder than anything to be able to share the family's burden with u.

of course, what i have said does not apply to the whole of the female population.

well, wish u luck in ur career.