Terence, r u in S'pore or what? If u r, come join us lah... but I vividly remember that u're in some overseas country... isit?
Forever, who is petridish??? Never heard of... by the way u describe, must be very pretty isit... *evil smile*...
Suharto, dun worry... I'll always remember you... LOL.....
Tetrutetrumon, are you joining us? Does Lexelle hv your number? Maybe she can call you after we decide the place to eat.
Meow, school reopening soon... guess this will be the last we see you before you fly back huh....
Supersonic, all are welcome... all of us started off not knowing each other. Dun worry, we are all very friendly. But I vividly remember someone ever said that newcomers got to give treat to the old members... true huh...? You better ask "lao da"(Chief lah!)...

See all of you on Wed. Chief, r u coming?
Whens the end coming? Like asif I care.....