so coincidental, the moment I was posting this message, it was closed by Chief... I thought who was up to some mischieve... :p
anyway, confirm attendence:
chief, bochup, forever, firewire, ngkaihoe, bishamon, pokemon, lexelle, meow, tetrutetrumon, ariana, petridish, eck, supersonic, suharto, odin.
Those who are joining, pls confirm thru' posting, or ask someone fm chatroom to post for you. The headcount now is 16.
As for the place for dinner, I'm not too sure. Look at the following:
1.BK at Peninsula, then Coffee Bean at Funan
2.Foodcourt at Peninsula, then Coffee Bean
3.Foodcourt at Sogo, then Coffee Bean
4.Japanese Restaurant at Sogo, then Coffee Bean
Above are before I saw chief's post. Chief, any specific place at Suntec? Or do you want to save money and follow my suggestion... u know, our forum is kindof those poor people forum... rich one not allowed kind...

Ask raelyn and xue along also lah... haven't seen them for very long time liao...
Reason why I choose Coffee Bean at Funan to Starbucks at Sogo is that funan hv less people, thus more seats for us...
Any other recommendations, pls post out. We're always open...

Whens the end coming? Like asif I care.....