Wah liao... after SO LONG still no one take the initiative ah???

Nvm, I will be the fool this time

Thursday is a public holiday so I ASSUME most pple are free so place will be Bukit Batok C.C since most pple live in the West... I didn't choose Choa CHu Kang or Lex will say I always make things easy for myself then the guy who lives in AMK but familiar with CCK can come to Bukit Batok as iz onli 2 MRT stops away... so I will fixed the date, time and venue as:
1030 HRS
Bukit Batok MRT Control Station
I will be there if I did not kena guard duty, confinement or orderly on Wednesday and Thursday. Pray for mi.

Pls reply so that I noe how many pple I am expecting and whether i need to cancel the thing altogether... if nothing goes wrong, I will be out on Wednesday night then I can confirm everything liao... pple coming who have basketball pls bring your basketballs... JUST BRING IT so that we have more balls to choose from and not arrive with no basketball with everyone expecting another person to bring... SEE YA ALL ON WEDNESDAY NITE HOPEFULLY!