saW 0ne 0uting t0pic 0n ktV leh, but dunn0 successfuL an0t, s0 i try 0ut again l0r. I g0ing t0 0rganize a ktV 0uting "again", thn its g0nna be at Kat0ng sh0ppinG c0mpleX(th0se live very far but interested s0rry l0r, but kat0nG near me

~) And this sh0uld be a budgetted ktV 0uting, every0ne at m0st pay $12 includinG drinkS. I wiLL cfm the time and where to m33t when i g0t the number 0f ppL g0ing l0r. Thn maX is 10 lar, at least 5 ppL must g0 l0r. After cfm lia0 thn i set the meeting place time blah shit~

Any0ne wh0 is interested reply t0 this? 0r sent me an emaiL t0
[email protected] | g3rs guyS weLc0me l0r but i prefer m0re gals lar c0z i GUY mar. d0n't be mistaken by thiS nick l0r

-[death has bestowed to me eternaL happiness]-