going to sleep soon
Originally posted by _Da_Dood_:going to sleep soon
wah you're serious about the early start tomorrow! i thought earliest zzz is 9 pm. anyway, all the best!
Originally posted by cassie:
wah you're serious about the early start tomorrow! i thought earliest zzz is 9 pm. anyway, all the best!
thanx thanx...ya...9pm go koon lor
finally finish din. gonna log out soon and wind down
back from run !!!
so sub 2:30 or even better???
Good morning...
Originally posted by cassie:so sub 2:30 or even better???
disappointed...did 2.45
you're not the only one.......my timing also sucks. did the 10km though.
oh well, plenty more races for you to make it up. cheer up.
Originally posted by cassie:you're not the only one.......my timing also sucks. did the 10km though.
oh well, plenty more races for you to make it up. cheer up.
u went for the 10km just now??
@bus: evening bus bus...
Originally posted by _Da_Dood_:
u went for the 10km just now??@bus: evening bus bus...
AHM this morning
Originally posted by cassie:
AHM this morning
wooo !!!
never tell me !!1...else i could have go meet u after the run
me only do 10km...not 21km. will never survive that distance!
how are your legs? can walk ar?
Originally posted by cassie:
me only do 10km...not 21km. will never survive that distance!
how are your legs? can walk ar?
can one la...slowly train lor...
im prepping for next yr 42km..will be doing sundown 21 and ahm to build up...u wan do ma?....as in the 21 nia...
stillc an walk...not crippled yet
Originally posted by _Da_Dood_:
can one la...slowly train lor...im prepping for next yr 42km..will be doing sundown 21 and ahm to build up...u wan do ma?....as in the 21 nia...
stillc an walk...not crippled yet
the one thing i promise myself is - until i can consistently hit below 50 min for a 10km...then only think about upping the distance.
you should also throw in a few more runs other than SD and AHM - maybe the passion 25k and newton 30k - nice build up.
did you go out today? i was walking so so so so so slowly to my friend's place this afternoon.
Originally posted by cassie:
the one thing i promise myself is - until i can consistently hit below 50 min for a 10km...then only think about upping the distance.you should also throw in a few more runs other than SD and AHM - maybe the passion 25k and newton 30k - nice build up.
did you go out today? i was walking so so so so so slowly to my friend's place this afternoon.
yupp...will try to do a 20 km every fornight to build up...not gonna take up other run beside ahm sd and sand chart..cuz need to pay..and these 3 alr costing close to 100 bucks alr..the fastest timing for my 10km is still 1 hour flat tho...
SD and scsm are expensive races. AHM is probably one of the cheaper ones. i'll let you know if i spot any cheap ones.
sometimes i think running longer distance is easier than short ones - short ones you need to sprint sprint sprint whereas longer ones...you can still make up for it later
Originally posted by cassie:SD and scsm are expensive races. AHM is probably one of the cheaper ones. i'll let you know if i spot any cheap ones.
sometimes i think running longer distance is easier than short ones - short ones you need to sprint sprint sprint whereas longer ones...you can still make up for it later
yea...mistake i made...sprinted too much just now.. at 19km mark my legs start to cramp...den just after the f1 grandstand, the part where the path of 10km run and 21km run is so narrow, stuffy and strong sun...just now mood during that stretch...
da dood, can reply my sms ma...
u sms me arr??...wait arr i go see
*waves to pika*
long time no see you post!
morning.i heard everyone not free on 1809?
Good afternoon...