ManU got dumped out of Champions League by Bayern although the Refs help them score 3 goals B4 halftime.
BM Olic scored an equaliser b4 Robben blast a volley to give the German clubs an away win.
ManU rafael was sent off after a series of bad 2-legged tackles on Ribery constantly as Refs got tired of ManU cheating acts.
All English teams are out for 1st time since 2004!
I find your name and your post to be similar....
Bayern Munich showed ManU how to play football !! Hopefully ManU can learn fr it instead of play acting & relying on Refs.
simi 2 leg tackle
dun anyhow shoot words lar
he tug the shirt off ribery lar
typical faggotson for lashing at referee when his team kena knocked out.
Hey look at the bright side, at least manure won at old toilet!
1st third and fifth posters
hahaha bunch of farking voyeurs here
sore losers will forever be sore losers!
by the way... typical manUre like the one like the 5th poster wh start coming in to defending his team!
blind manUre! complaining this complaining that!