As most of you already know the playof series had already started.
I think.....that this year Eastern conference team will clinch the tittle given that they are more physical and faster runner as compared to western conference teams.
Any of these eastern team Cetics, Cavs, or Magic could easily take on the Lakers.
What would you like to see the match up in the final?
Cavaliers are 3-2 down against the Celtics.
Will be interesting to see the Celts against Magic, i think that one is a nice fight.
On the West will be Suns vs Lakers.. That one i think depends on which team can play better Defense.
Originally posted by stellazio:Cavaliers are 3-2 down against the Celtics.
Will be interesting to see the Celts against Magic, i think that one is a nice fight.
On the West will be Suns vs Lakers.. That one i think depends on which team can play better Defense.
yeah this game is always a team sport.....Kobe bryant learned it from last year final.
Cavaliers has to learn that having Lebron James does not necessary be the winning team.
Originally posted by Arapahoe:yeah this game is always a team sport.....Kobe bryant learned it from last year final.
Cavaliers has to learn that having Lebron James does not necessary be the winning team.
Orlando vs Celtics will be a very good game. 2 very balanced teams..I think unless Lebron comes up with some superhuman effort against the Celtics they can't win by relying too much on 1 person.
Where as Lakers vs Suns is two very offensive minded teams, but Lakers have more balance in that respect and should play better D with their height advantage. But Suns have more speed and shooting ability.
But i predict Lakers vs Orlando again, i don't think the Suns have what it takes to win the playoffs even if they managed to beat the Lakers.
That would be replay of last year final.
i sometime wonder if the league will try to match up Celtics vs Lakers again?
too much of a individualism in Cav. than team sport, or maybe Shaq is just bad luck to have....ha ha ha.
oh i think western final might be decided in game 6. 4-2 in Lakers.
Kobe bryant ftw ?
Lucky the Lakers added Ron Artest, so in case they meet Cav, Celts or the Magic, they got an extra lockdown perimeter defender..
Because those 3 teams all got good small forwards, like James, Pierce or Carter..
looks like Lebron James is getting a bad press day.......if he wants to be successful in his career he needs media support.....other than playing well.
I just take a peep at the score board.....
Celtics is leading 78 vs Cav 67 in 4th quarter. still have 11:00 mins to play....if celtics can hold the lead.....there goes Cav for the 2nd times.
Oops....looks like Cav can kiss goodbye.....
left with 3.50 mins and the score is in celtics favor....90 vs 78.
something about Lebron James..and Shaq can't Jump...
Well seasons over for Cav....Lebron James is on Summer Vacation....
The celtics will move forward to Eastern Conference final against Magic....
Well Lebron stay or will he go... This summer free agency is interesting, could potentially have Lebron and another superstar in the same team like Wade, Bosh etc.
Originally posted by stellazio:Well Lebron stay or will he go... This summer free agency is interesting, could potentially have Lebron and another superstar in the same team like Wade, Bosh etc.
He is so screwed......the media the city is giving him hell......
They are saying NY.....
But i think this is really bad for him....Even if he intended to leave he should really give his best and walk away.
what kind of deal is he going to get as a free agent at this rate of performance?
Well he willl get maximum deals because of his talent and marketing abilities. But really, he has brought this all upon himself, always touting himself to free agrency, he probably cares more about that then his own team performance. Game 5 was just disgraceful from him..
i don't know if the NBA league would encourage or reward that type of atitude.....within the players. Will see.
I think coach mike brown might be out of job before summer......
Lets go kobe and the lakers =] Lakers in 4 or 5 =DD
Kobe for back to back finals mvp!
What a waste, if kobe is not slowed down with injuries, he would hav gotten regular season mvp and all star mvp, 7 game winners this season and very good shooting percentage n ppg b4 he was injured..
Nevertheless he is back to ball 5 str8 30+ pt games averaging >50%
nah, kobe won't be mvp anymore in the regular season, because the lakers are not a one man team anymore.. its different, if you noticed those regular seasons mvps are usually 1 man teams like wade, lebron, nash etc..
kobe doesnt have the energy to go out and dominate every game like he used to, in fact he no longer needs to with such able teamates around.
Typically MVP you need to demonstrate that you can transformed the team thru the season....u know what i mean.
If he can elevate the team to the next level with his leadership i think he can still be nominated.
As what Stellazio said physically we can see the next 2 years of transformation. Infact I see if the lakers are going to get any ring it would be this year and at this point i don;t see any win beyond this season....till someone could step up to fill Kobe shoes and of course needless to say --- "Phil Jackson".
Celtics 1.
I still hope for kobe to be mvp...
Celtics are looking like the favourites again, their inside dominance is negating dwight howard which is a huge part of the magic's play.
too early to tell....advantage over a 6 games series is that you get to adapt and adjust how you play....The celtics came out from Lebron and Shaq so they must have been playing at a level of physical and aggressiveness.
Magic needs to adapt to the level of playing....
Lakers won the Suns in Game 1.