Originally posted by MIKEN80:
I think that the goverment shall abolish NS 4 the seek of Male.Cos i think that it is an extra 4 male to go ns.Come on! Man !Singapore is so small.Any countries who want to invade us so easy man donn need fight 1.Jus ask them to split saliver and we will be over-flooded in no time.Or perhaps they jus walk or swim in openly.Singapore prison will soon be full man.
What's there to fight for.Any bomb drop from the sky there goes our famous Changi Airport.
Another Bomb drop there goes our famous Orchard Rd.There is nothing we can do.
If not singapore goverment can hired oversea talents ----other country army and paid them high salary.Singapore ns man are too cheap man one day only $8.I rather pay goverment $10 per day to exchange my freedom.
The males are disadvantage cos they got to serve ns.2-2half years.What they study has a already forgotten.They are already behind the ladies and the world.
Singapore is too small.We got to keep moving at all times in order to keep up with the time.But the ns take most of our precious time especially the "Golden Time" where we are so energetic at age 18-23.This is the time where our talent and rooms of capablity can be seen.
I really hope that the grieve can be ......

cure in no time.
I hope that somebody will see from my point of view.
I believe these are very well written comments by you, Mr MIKEN80. I have not entered into this forum for almost 2 years. And what I see is this kind of remarks being made on my return. Anyone cared to tell this young chap what could be wrong with his comments?
As for you, Mr MIKEN80, I have no wish to enter into a flame war with you on this topic. But allow me to correct your comments on certain points as follows:
1. Singapore can be defended and will be defended. I have completed my 2.5 years of National Service since 2000 July 31st. I had been trained on how to fight and trained to kill another man with a gun. I never wish to fight anyone and never ever hope to see a war happen on this land. But if it must happen, then I am ready to fight, not for the government, not for SM Lee, PM Goh, but for the ones I love. I fight to prevent anyone from taking their peaceful life away from them.
2. Singapore is the only home I have and if a bomb is all that is needed to kill my entire HDB block of people, then I pray to God that I be there in time to shield my family from the bomb blast with my body.
3. If the government of Singapore were to set aside a portion of its collected taxes on feeding a 100% regulars army, there will be no money left to build schools, build roads, Mr MIKEN80's favorite Orchard Road. Providing clean drinking water for everyone will become a problem too. Most of us would have to walk from point A to point B to collect potable water everyday.
4. The $240 that each recruit gets per month is called an Allowance. Supposed to be a form of training for money management. It sure isn't enough for some young men who get almost $500 or more per month from their parents. Trying to make one's "own ends meet" on this sum makes one learn the importance of money very soon. Training, not torture.
5. University education in Singapore is based on the concept that a freshman starting on any of his year one modules should be given all the required knowledge for that module. There is no expectation for anyone to remember what they learnt during JC. Not everyone in the universities here have a GCE 'A' Level certificate on Maths or sciences. There are lots of foreigners that come here for a university education without the knowledge taught to us in JC.
6. The gentlemen in Singapore will complete their university education about 2 years later than their female counterparts who need not do their National Service. Entering the working environment will mean that ladies of the same age have 2 years extra working experience 2 years more of pay increments. But guys are given that extra 2 years of pay increment that the ladies experience only after two years of work immediately upon acceptance. We call it NS Increment. This is one free 20+% increment without even starting to work for that company. A NS guy has his benifits.
7. I know most of us here will continue to be energetic for a long time till we finally end six feet under. Boys become Men during those years spent in the armed forces. Our primary school friends, secondary school friends and JC friends have been through a lot with us, shared our happyness and joy. We may someday forget their names, and even their faces. But I know the friends I make during my National Service time will stay with me through thick and thin. For the blood we blead for each other is thicker than the saliver I spent on chit chatting with my school friends.
8. A man's talent is not restricted by his age. Experience makes him wiser, exposure makes him smarter. To label a validity period on one's best creativity and capability is majorly wrong. Mr MIKEN80, you have yet to read about any biography of any famous person living or dead. Your opinion that "18-23" being most creative and capable will change after you have read some.
Thanks for bearing with me if you have read till this point. The above points 1-8 are my personal opinions, and at no time at all, meant to change the thinking of Mr MIKEN80 in anyway. For each is free to choose his own path of thinking.
BTW, if you are thinking that I could be some high ranking officer preaching National Education when I was in the Army, you are wrong. I am only an low level soldier, completing my NS with the rank of Coporal.