Research subjects wanted and you will get 60-100 dollars in a week! At the same time you can get valuable experiences and knowledge. See below for detail info. If intersted, please call me or email me ASAP. Or you can reply this message. Thanks. My email:
[email protected]. phone 8748090
I am a Ph.D candidate in the learning science and learning environment lab of computer science dept. Let me explain you the purpose of the research and what the subject will do.
This research is mainly trying to build a interactive learning environment to foster student's science process skills. Science process skills are domain-general scientific reasoning skills, so I am not fostering knowledge in any specific domain like physics or chemistry, but general skills of forming hypothesis, doing experiments, and interpreting data. Today as we are entering an information age, scientific reasoning abilities, the abilities to analyze a problem and find ways to tackle them, to evaluate and interpret the evidence or data available, are more important than science content knowledge. Science process skills are highly emphasized in developed countries, mainly in USA and UK(in UK's "National curriculum for science" process skills are placed the same importance as science content knowledge). In Singapore the science process skills recently are getting more and more attention, but I think in Singapore science process skills should get more attention than in the developed countries. Parents in Singapore seldom expect his child to be scientist, and what Singapore needs most are IT technicians, lawyers, and business or management professionals. Science content knowledge can really help little for these professions, but reasoning skills and a clear mind can help much, and science process skills can help in this way. This research provides valuable chance for you to improve his grasping of process skills.
I want a student of secondary 1 or 2 to be subject of my pilot study, and the aim is to point out possible shortcomings of the system and refine the design: is the learning process smooth? Is the design effective to foster process skills? As the aim is to design a good learning environment, there will not be bad or frustrating experiences for the student. On thecountrary, I try to make the learning process as smooth, easy and happy as possible. In each session, the student's behavior will be videotaped and later on be analyzed.
To not taking too much of your time, The pilot study will be carried out in a week consisting of 3 or 4 consecutive sessions, each lasting 2-3 hours. The pay is S$10 per hour. The student will be paid 20-30 dollars right after the session finishes or at other time you prefer. I notice these days it rains a lot, so if at the time of the study it rains very heavy and it is not convenient for him to take a bus, he can take a taxi and keep the taxi ticket. I will pay for it.
My contact info.:
Name Liu Chaochun
[email protected]lab phone: 8748090
lab address: S15, 03-09, LELS lab
Computer Science dept., School of computing, NUS
Route: Take 95 to NUH and then walk straight, or take 97, 197, 198 to science faculty of NUS and then walk through the corridor, or take 96, 151 to central library and then take a shuttle bus service A to the last stop. If there is any problem, call me and I will fetch him.
some positive responses from former subjects
Date: Wed, 03 Jan 2001 19:47:32 +0800
From: A subject
To: Liu Chaochun <
[email protected]>
Subject: Re: hi
Mr. Liu Chaochun
I received your message. I got A1 in Maths and Science and B3 in English. Thank you for everything. I really enjoyed learning from you. Is it possible for you to pass me a copy of the video cassette( Just for the memory sake)?
Liu Chaochun wrote:
> Hi:
> The study is quite successful, thanks for your cooperation and
> precious time.
> Can you tell me your maths, science and English scores of last semester?
> I promise you I will keep the secret

. Thanks a lot.
> Hope you a nice day.
> Regards
Date: Wed, 03 Jan 2001 13:44:46 +0800
From: The student's mother
[email protected]Subject: Re: Note of thanks.
Hi Mr. Liu Chaochun
Thank you for everything. It was a good exposure for him. He enjoyed coming to you and learning new concepts.
Thanks once again.
>From: Liu Chaochun <
[email protected]>
>To: The subject's mother
>Subject: Note of thanks.
>Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 15:13:13 +0800 (SST)
> The pilot study is over and the result is quite good. The study is instrumental in the refinement of our system. Thanks very much
>for you and your son's cooperation and precious time. Also I am very glad to tell you your son is quite clever and has shown talent in maths and science process skills which contributes to the success of the study. I am convinced that he will have a bright future in the field of science and maths.
> Hope you and your son a nice day.