What do you need? I have the following for sale
All balls are high 14lbs to low 15lbs after drill
1) single drilled columbia bully left hand, $130
2) single drilled brunswick original inferno right hand $125
3) multi drilled storm flashflood LH $35
4) multi drilled brunswick monster bruiser LH $40
5) mutli drilled brunswick ultimate inferno LH $65
6) NIB track rule 15lb 4oz 2inch pin $230
7) Used Mechatecter Bowling Guard LH $40

Brand new Pro Release Wrist Support Small/Medium Left Hand $65
9) Used Ebonite Transport 2 Ball Roller Blue/Black $55
10) Used Linds limited bowling shoes green/black USA size 9 LH $75
11) Used Dexter sst5 Black/gold bowling shoes USA size 8.5 LH
(comes with changeable heels and sliding sole) $95
Anyone interested can email me at
[email protected]. I will offer discount for multiple purchase.