
Another one of Freemun's extremely OUT-OF-THE-WORLD-POST

To the intelligent ones out there, find this very old thread

Intentions of the mind comes and goes as silently as the evening gale , leaving behind no traces whatsoever of any folklore that brings sweet nostalgic beats that accompanys it. The mind works in fragmental process, what do we understand by this. This analysis of thought was first discovers by Sigmund Freud but not so well documented and experimanted in the early sixties due to complications thesis from various physcologist
But in recent years, with the help of technology in mapping the human thought process, we have proved the fragmental mapping process or FMP to be relevant. For example, a boy goes to the zoo, he sees a tiger and comes home to tell his dad, 'Pa! I saw a tiger in the zoo feeding on tourist food' The boy doesn't see the whole picture in his mind.
He sees the zoo cage the tigers face ,the tourist throwing meat, the tigers body and tail all this stored in different compartments of the mind and finally jigsawed them all in one piece. Hopefully this would give u a better insight on how the mind works and processes thoughts.
Oxygen makes u high....
Oxygen makes u high....