It's recognised of course

On whether you're able to get jobs or not... It really depends on the person.
I'm doing well. Able to change jobs quite easily. Almost 2 years into my 4th job and doing pretty well at 10% increase in pay package every year(including job change). BTW, I've never work in a bank/finance company since I guaduated. However if money is what you're after, be a boss and not an employee.
A degree only opens the door, everything else depends on the person & his/her attitude. If you are a person who can fight and win every challenge, no task or job is too big. Gain the experiences and apply it in all your areas of work.
Never be afraid to take on more tasks that you feel that you can, especially work that your immediate superior is doing. Learn & apply your knowledge whenever you can. The important thing is not to disappoint yourself.
Take pride

Three cheers for ultra memorable life during SIM days and all the friends I've made. Miss the SRC/ODAC/BASKETBALL times alot.
PS: Sorry to the thread owner for diverging away....