argh, u mean TODAY...
i already sleeping when u posted and i only reading this now when its 7.30pm!
oh man....anyway, have fun. I went to test my ball already. Cant get revs, on occasions achieve more roll instead. Ball actually went deep, medium arc and changed axis. Good, need to be consistent.
Then played a few spares with my first ball. Went like a rocket!! Afterall, my new ball is 2lbs heavier...
Will be testing my new ball in full force 2mr.....being throwing at a target on board 15-18 right. releasing ball on foul line ard board 10, standing to the right.( I left hander)...
gonna try this tmr again..
btw, I actually got thinner oil tracks on my urethane ball after using the Shock ZonePro. Guess its lighter and I manage to generate more lift....

overall very happy~~~~