Contary to popular...or should I say stubborn personal beliefs, blood clots formed on the fingers( from the tip to the 1st joint) is caused by an overly-long span. Although people who have such a condition will tell you that, blood clots aside, it feels good because they can get so much lift, finger, grip, etc.... it is a bad span fit. I waws no exception to that. However, over time it will have a worse effect on us physically, more than just blood clots.
Blood clots on the nail sides of the fingers would be caused by incorrect pitch.
Swollen areas on the left and right side of the first join of the fingers is due to incorrect hole size and sometimes, too short a span.
Swollen thumbs are either due to too tight a thumb hole, of to air-pressure. To reduce air-pressure, look for me and I will help you drill a vent hole for the thumb hole

Blood clots found on the back-side of the thumb is caused by excessive bowling with a tight thumb hole.
Remember that the ball should be fitted to your hand, so much so that you need not grip on to it at all. It should fit like a glove.

Any other questions?