For your infor, its not my team again. I'm here scouting for new members. The league only began last nite.
The 2nd reason for being so particular is that this team has a penalty system of a $2 fine for every point lost. I don't want to rope in players and then they felt cheated. But free game if won all points and no need to pay any funds, just the weekly game if you don win all points + penalty.
Hope this answer your qns Player1.

And to add, sorry Power Torge don't think its good for you as you might end up paying like $21 everytime you bowl.

And bowl34, you might also be in the same shoes as PT. Not seen you bowl yet but if wat you mentioned about yourself is true than I am afraid better not let you join. unless you have too much $$ to spare.

Player1, if you are interested and I think you are within the mark, why not??