Well, one of my fantasy in riding those pesky mozzies is to assembled the anti-mozzies battalion, armed with support arms like artillery and close air support from Apaches. And you know the best part??? They are all shrunk down to mozzies side, talk about giving them a fair advantage man!! hahahaha. The senario i have always dreamed of when i kenna damm badly form them...
A recce scout slowly moved his way from the hiding point just behind the pen. Looking across from Mount desk into the desert bed, he spotted 2 of his hated enemies, the mozzies. They were hovering above his master, preparing to inflict horrible red marks and infinite itchiness to his paymaster. Reaching into his com. set, he reaches his company commander just in time.
"Delta to HQ, you copy?"
"HQ here, report your situation Delta"
"2 mozzies are spotted 2 miles to the east and are preparing to launch an attack on paymaster"
"Goddarn it, battle station everyone!!!!"
With this, the company mobilizes his amoured infantry and began to races towards the desert bed. However, the backup was to arrive first with two apaches streaking arcoss the cool dark sky, with all Hellfire missiles on the ready and the Vulcans ready to rock and roll. True to their insect instincts, the 2 mozzies sense danger approaching and began on a fast evacuation out of the danger zone. But alas, you can't outrun 2 apaches coming on at a top speed of 250 kmph. The amoured choppers began to inload their missiles at those hated pests and they took the damage straight on, ploughing towards the desert bed in a spin tail.
The aomoured infantry in their Bradly Amoured Carrier and MI Abrams arrived just in time to see those 2 mozzies crashing down on the blanket. Without further ado, the lead tank approach the downed beast and began to fire their 120mm cannons. It was until they were totally incinerated before the CCO was satisfied. "Great work my men, report back to barracks and you all have just earned yourself a weekend pass"
And in the meantime, the paymaster slept blissfully, unaware of the close damage he might received from the mozzies. All in all, another day for the Anti-mozzies battalion.

The Far East Pilgrim