de Charmaine;
Advertising yourself is not something like greatest guy in this UNIVERSE or i'm the chioest gal. ( but not bad at least i get to learn a new singish )
Okie How to Advertise urself

Wanna Buy a Virus.
At a low low price of US$49.13
U will get a complete set of virus family of;

{CIH Virus Mk II with Anti-CIH)

{not 4 CIH Mk II)

{With 30 days money will not come back warning and most of all no refund at all !!!
So 4 sure ur PCs will break down !!!)

There's more if u order in Singapore we will give u the latest Virus in USA call Go to Hell Virus , it comes in a disk so u can sent it to ur friend by E-mail and he/she will also have their PCs break down. Wait not longer call now and have ur mom or dad to get u a new PCs.
At a low low price of US$49.13
Call 9413-1674 to get ur own Virus now.

Thats what i call Advertising.

Me Virus so i Advertise Virus lor

Wanna buy some Virus at a low low price of US$49.13 Just call 9413-1674 D:
Warning! Virus Alert !!!
*(^_^)*{Long live CIH, Destroy all PCs and send them to Mars)