Wonder if you all believe in the old remedies of medicine, regardless of eastern or western origin?
Hm... if really no choice of modern medicine is available, I guess I am willing to give it a try. As long as it doesn't look to disgusting...
I tried a remedy of "Chinese Medicated Song Yu Tou", quite effective I must say, I don't get bad headaches anymore. My friend from HK came and tried it too, he said that he wanted to bring the formula back to HK for his mum and sister.
Hope all of you forumites will try this to get rid of migraine/bad headache bouts.
Chinese Medicated Song Yu Tou:INGREDIENTS: 1 Song Yu Tou, Chuan Gong, Bai Zhi, Tian Ma, Gou Qi Zi aka wolveberries, Hong Zao aka red dates (All chinese medicine combined to be worth S$3, just tell them you need S$3 worth of these 5 medicines)METHOD OF COOKING: Use 1/2 Song Yu Tou with the chinese medicine with 3 1/2 bowls of warm water, stew for 4 hours until you are left with only one bowl of medication.METHOD OF DRINKING: Drink when it's a little cooled down.MAJOR NO-NOS AFTER CONSUMPTION: No spicy, sour or deep fried food.P.S. Don't throw away the remains of the stew, retrieve the chinese medication and you can cook the next day with the other half of the Song Yu Tou.Note: This medication is on the "heaty" side, don't consume within too short a time if you are a "heaty" person.The Uses of Coke1. Drink it after a night's session of heavy drinking, helps to kill off the grogginess and prevents hangovers the next day2. Heat it up in a saucepan when you have a very bad cough, drink when cooled down.Anyone of you have any old remedies to share?

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