Last week, I informed Singtel that I wanted to apply for caller ID for my phone line.
In the end, they told me that my phone line's number does not support caller ID and thus need a supporting number to have caller ID to. In that way, I can retain my old number. Otherwise, I can op to have a new number.
I chose the former and guess what?

They cut off my old number!

People have been calling and informed me that the number was no longer in use. My mum screamed at me to get back my old number.
So I called Singtel to check out what happened, they have the cheek to tell me that they cannot do anything about it. I have to use my new number as the old number was no longer in use.
I insisted that this was not what I wanted in the first place and they took a long time to check out that they made a mistake.
What kinda customer service is this!?
I dun even know whether they are telling the truth about the supporting number part.

Can anyone enlighten me about this?