Originally posted by lexelle:Virus:
Kekekeke...I'm choking
Yah yah yah... continue... I dun mind... listening to u both filting
Short and sweet. nice to eat...
is tv the oni thing u addicted too? the forum leaves trait of ur addictionOriginally posted by lexelle:Hm...
Recently, I realise that I am a TV addict.
No matter what show is on, I can watch TV for hours endlessly.
I remember once a friend told me, she doesn't not watch TV as she thinks it's a waste of time and she have better things to do.
Maybe my determination is weak and I really can't resist the temptation to succumb to the one-eye monster.
But is watching TV really a waste of time and you have better things to do?
Originally posted by lexelle:Virus:
Dun anyhow edit my words leh.
arent u addicted to the post already...Originally posted by lexelle:maestro:
You are right... maybe it's time to get a new addiction.
If you could read my mind... I dun mind, but you can't~!
Then when i meet u i need to go to spa do some tightening of the skin lose some weight first....Originally posted by lexelle:maestro:
I will have to see if you are worth get addicted to.
later u shockedOriginally posted by lexelle:nOrmalbOi:
You wanna try your luck?
Dun have to, just come as you are.
a tv freak would taht mean u have mututated to have a living tv or somethingOriginally posted by ^YuKi^:lex: i oso a tv addict...worse den tat..pple call mi tv freak xia...cos i always watching tv..heehee...,tv wun be a waste of time if u haf got lotsa time to spare...i dun haf much things to do since i not working or studeeing...i watch everything frm documentaries shows,news to seriel shows...
actualli if u look at it in another way...tv is a form of media where pple get information frm...=)
yes and i am addicted to eating stingray ....Originally posted by stringray:I always stay in the sea. Does that consider a addiction??? Heeheehee :p :p :p
* Took a big spear gun... aim at that fishy lookin stringray *Originally posted by stringray:I always stay in the sea. Does that consider a addiction??? Heeheehee :p :p :p