
{ Now a days not only gals r maturing much more slower then last time *dun known when the last time is...* u guys r the same too dun u think so... think abt the things young people now a days do... and think abt the things in the past * 30's to 80's* )

sorry... just to make some joke so the post will not be so so so... dun know how to say liao... )

sorry... just to make some joke so the post will not be so so so... dun know how to say liao... )

sorry... just to make some joke so the post will not be so so so... dun know how to say liao... )

{ That S 11 u r talkin abt ... do u like money? if u dun then get me ur ATM card and ur pin no then let me help u take out all the money inside... as i say again not only gals look forward to money... )

{ Did any gals offenced u in the past before if not then why u wanna say something like this... )
Yours not so sincerely,
Ruler of *City of Great Virus*
Just Virus