VNO Function: Pheromone Communication: The Vomeronasal Organ or VNO is the receptor organ of a sensory system involved in chemical communication. Among mammals, sex pheromones that advertise sexual readiness to potential mates are often detected by the VNO. Odors that are produced by one individual and detected by another of the same species are called "pheromones" if the process is a real communication with benefit to both individuals. Sexual communication is only one example other functions are especially well studied in snakes. Whether humans have functional VNOs is a matter currently under investigation.

The above diagram shows the location of the vomeronasal organ in adult humans. There is no obvious bulge in the nasal septum indicating its position. The duct opening (VNO pit), that can be observed endoscopically in most adult humans, is at the anterior end (black dot next to arrowhead). There are nerves running behind the VNO and extending back to the brain. The question mark on the diagram-label pointing to nerve bundles indicates that it is not yet clear whether these include true vomeronasal sensory nerves or contain only Nervus terminalis, trigeminal and autonomic nerve branches (See "Nervus terminalis" and extended-text). The organ shows some differences in structure compared with other mammalian organs. It has no obvious thick sensory epithelium but does have some cells that have been described as bipolar receptor neurons. The location and structure suggest that the human organ might be stimulated by airborne chemicals rather than by stimuli dissolved in mucus. The accessory olfactory bulbs, to which VN nerves normally project in mammals, have not been clearly identified in humans, raising additional questions about human VNO function. The central target of VNO input in mammals, the amygdala, is present in humans (see diagram) and does receive chemosensory input. It probably shares some functions with the amygdala in other mammals but whether these include the analysis of purely vomeronasal input is not yet clear.
Recent experiments report that an electrical response can be recorded from the VNO pit in awake humans in response to chemicals found in human skin. The researchers suggest that the effective substances (steroids) are human pheromones but have not investigated this possibility scientifically. The best documented examples of chemical (pheromonal?) communication in humans is the synchronization of menstrual cycles among women who live together, and the damping of irregularities in menstrual cycle length by chemicals from males. However, in neither of these cases has the VNO been clearly implicated.
I saw on Discovery channel the other day discussing about the above. (Copied from a site) :p
They believe that VNOs are the reason why we get attracted or turned off by the opposite sex.
Thus the season of mating and season of love.
What do you think of it?

After a balloon bursts, possibilities of inflating it again is equal to nil.
Give it up~!