{Do you have any friends that always make empty promises? I have a friend, who always does that. When I tell this her to do something for me, this she will always say ok, no problem. But when I ask her have you done the thing I ask you to do she will say "I will do it later, don't worry I promise ok?")

{But the next thing I know she have forgotten what I ask her to do.)

{Why can't she just tell me, if she is not free or just tell me she can't it.

{why she have to say ok and promise me she will do it but on the other hand she have forget every thing)

{What kind of friend is this and this is not the first time she forgets to do something that she has promise someone to do


{Sometime I really feel like ignoring her when I see her but too bad she mine good friend or should I consider her as a friend how can a friend do something like that to a friend)

{At least now I feel better after posting this topic)

{Hope that this friend of mine is also a forum mate here then she will understand how I really feel!)
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TO BRING YOUR TRUE LOVE TO YOU SPELLSoak one of your socks in rosewater. Allow it to dry, and then place it under your bed. Each night, send out the thought that you want your true love to come and see you. After a month has gone bye, burn a red candle at sunset, and think of the love you have to offer. Repeat this procedure for seven nights in a row. Soon, your love will come to you.