Wassup dudes!! Don't be thinking VX is inactive for 1 mth means quit man~ The 1mth was imperative for letting most of us get adjusted back to sch life. I'm sure none of u would like to be fuckin (sorry bout vulgs hehahh but I don't give a shit :p) forced to come for meetings when u got eca or remedial on Saturdays.
As for last minute cancellation of meetings, cut some slack lah. Everytime only 5-6 out of 10++ ppl turn up, & all wake up late somemore haha...
My point is give us, VX, your team members some time. With school , ppl like me can go down to play cs all day coz I got no sch. But what abt ppl who GOT sch? Even Saturdays they got prob coming down so how right

To say again, if u've any problem, page cina @ 92291814 or me :p @ 93212732. Esp if its urgent issues like wanting to quit or u gonna be MIA. Don't let it fester like a bloody sore until nobody knows wtf is going on muhahahh~
Hmm. CIao for now folks, wet dreams n lets go pubbing sometime!
[This message has been edited by Adero (edited 17 July 2000).]