Sorry to everyone...... coz i jus get to know soo came in kinda of late...... From the above messenges, i can see tt there is alot of happenin all over the world..... ex; chen-kingdom tryin to conquer the whole world like tt..... So go after sooooo many gals..... I think he mus be kinda of lonely so in order to curb his loneliness, he try to find some nite activities over there......

AS we know in UK, is kinda of cold so in order not to feel so cold, he is tryin out whether the activity will keep warm hor.... Then pls keep us inform ok??
And btw, from wat the chen-kingdom hav mention tt Str|x hav some affair over there i think is jus a cover 4 him.... coz he is tryin to change the topic to Str|x..... So i here BELIEVE tt Str|x is STILL SINGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Btw over here in china, the ppl is all very frenly and all very willin to help out..... And the ppl over here is all very clever coz they onli took 1 day to know wat is c programmin all abt by themselves.... but it took me one week b4 i know somethin abt it.... BtW, i m assign here to do C programmin.... Watever i hav learn in the skool cannot be apply here

TOO bad to all teachers...... And tt is all for todae... i will try to update u all next time i come in..... Take CaRE guys..... HoPe to sEe u AlL sOOn.....