LIMITED ATONEMENTIn this chapter, we will deal with the subject called, "limited atonement", a theory propagated by Calvin and his followers. When the Calvinists say, "limited atonement", they mean that the sacrificial substitutionary death of Jesus Christ on the cross is limited only for the elect. The Calvinists believe that Christ did not die for all men but only for the elect. They believe that Jesus is the Savior only of the elect or as they say “world of the elect”; and that the ability of Jesus to save is limited only to the elect.
What is meant by the word “atonement”? According to JR Alexander in his book “TULIP”:
“There are three words that are of particular importance to this subject. They are closely related in meanings and are used in the Bible synonymously. The words are:
Atonement -- It is used one time in the New Testament and is found in Rom.5: 11. It is an Old Testament word, which means "a covering". The word is found in Lev.16:2 and is the mercy seat which was the covering on the ark of the testimony.
Reconciliation -- The word means "restoration to favor".
Propitiation -- The word comes from the verb that means, "to appease; to render propitious; to expiate, make atonement or expiation for; be gracious, show mercy, pardon".
In Luke 18:13, we can find an example where a form of the word above was used. The publican who was so burdened with guilt and condemnation, cried out, "God be merciful to me a sinner". He was literally asking for the forgiveness of sin on the grounds of the blood atonement made at the mercy seat. When he did that, God saved him.
There are abundant proofs in the Scriptures that prove that the death of Jesus Christ was on behalf of all men.
A John 1: 29, Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Rom.5: 12 says, "...sin entered into the world by one man". This refers to the Adamic sin, which has affected all mankind. Thus, all have become sinful in nature. The world means "all mankind" because all mankind was affected by Adamic sin. If the "world" refers to the elect only, then only the elect were affected by that SIN. Jesus is the Lamb of God, the sacrifice of God for the SIN of the world.
B In John 3:16-19 it says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son....". The "world" refers to the aggregate of mankind or all people in the world. It is evident in verse 19, that "Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness rather than light". If the world refers only to the elect, then there were elect who had the opportunity to receive the light but refused it and chose darkness.
C God's covenant with Abraham is through his seed, (Jesus Christ) "...shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed", Acts 3:25. In verse 26 it says, "God...sent him (Jesus) to bless in turning away everyone of you from his iniquities". This means that there is forgiveness of sins for all people in the earth through the Lord Jesus, Abraham's seed. However, forgiveness is possible only on the basis of Jesus death on the cross. If Christ did not die for all men, forgiveness is impossible for all men even if they repent.
D In Gal.4: 4-5 it says, "God sent forth his redeem them that were under the law” (Gal. 3:10-13). All men are under the curse of the law; therefore, Christ died to redeem all men who are under the curse of the law. A person is redeemed from the curse of the law and obtains the blessing of salvation through faith (Gal. 3: 13-18; 3: 9).
E In Hebrews 2:9, it says, "...that Christ by the grace of God should taste death for every man"
F In John 11: 51, it says that Christ died for the nation Israel. But some Israelites rejected him. Therefore, Christ died for the all the people of Israel, including those who rejected him. See Jn.1: 11. The same is applicable to John 3:16-19. Jesus died for the world, but some rejected Him.
G I John 2:2 says, “And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.”
H I John 4: 14 says, "...the Father sent the son to be a saviour of the world". Jesus could either be the Savior of limited men only or he is the Savior of the world.
I I Tim. 4:10 says, “For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.” The blood of Jesus and its saving power is sufficient for all men, but is efficient only for those who believe.
J Heb.7: 25 tells us that “...he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.”
K I Tim.1: 5 says, "Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief". Even the worst sinner who responds to the Holy Spirit's call by repentance and faith can be saved. Jesus came to save sinners. All men are sinners. Therefore, Jesus came to save all men. However, God requires faith for salvation. Not all men respond to GodÂ’s grace by faith. Thus, not all sinners will be saved but only those who believe.
L II Corinthians 5:14 says, " died for all, then we're all dead". Rom.6:23 says, "The wages of sin is death". Christ took the punishment for the sins of all the men unto himself so that salvation can be provided for everyone who would recognize Him as Savior, repent of his sins and receive Jesus by faith.
M Roman 5:12-18, "By one man sin entered into the death passed upon all men ...For if by one man's offense death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ. Therefore, by the offense of one, judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so, by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life."
1 By one man's offense, all men were condemned.
2 The word "even so" tells us that if all were condemned by the offense of one man, all can be justified by the righteous act & free gift of one man.
3 "The free gift came upon all men". Not all men are justified but justification is possible to all men because the free gift came upon all men. Justification is obtained by a man when he receives the free gift as the Scripture say, "they which receive the gift of righteousness shall reign in life" (v:17). The gift is "unto justification of life", v.18.
N 2 Corinthians 5:19 says, "...God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself". In verse 18, it says, "God...hath given us the ministry of reconciliation ". Verse 19 says, "...we are ambassadors of Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God”.
a "Reconciling"--- the form of the verb indicates that Christ has started and continues the work of reconciliation.
b There is reconciliation between God and man on the basis of Christ's death on the cross.
c Some people in the past (Old & New Testament) who believed Christ were already reconciled. At present, some are reconciled but some are not.
d The ministry of reconciliation was given by the Lord because of the fact that others in the present and future, have not heard yet of the message of reconciliation
e The purpose of this ministry is that people in the world will believe the Gospel and will be reconciled to God. God uses his preachers to speak to the lost with the message, " ye reconciled to God", --2 Cor.5: 20.
f The members of the church at Colosse had a period in their lives in which they were not yet reconciled to God although Christ death happened already. It was at the moment of faith that they were reconciled (Col. 1: 4, 21, 23).
O John 4:42 says, "...Christ, the saviour of the world". "Light has come into the world", John 3:19. Jesus said, "They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call righteous but sinners to repentance", Mark 2:17.
1 Illustration: In a certain ship there is a physician. He is called the Physician of the ship. It happened that many got sick due to a bad weather and conditions. The doctor had the medicines for all sorts of sickness. The doctorÂ’s medicines are sufficient for all the passengers, yet, not all trusted and went to the doctor. In the same way, Jesus came to be the physician of the spiritually sick. All men in the world are spiritually sick. Thus, Jesus came to be a physician or Savior of all men. The blood of Jesus is sufficient for all men but efficient only to those who believe. However, not all men trusted Jesus, therefore not all men will be saved but only those who believed in him.
P In Titus 2:11, it says, "For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men".
Q 1 Tim.2:1-6. This verses say, "...prayers be made for all men... that we may lead a quite and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty". What should be our prayers for all men? In verse 3, "...all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth". Secondly, all men to live a godly, quite and peaceable life. Does God really desire for all men to live a godly, honest, quiet, and peaceable life? How can a person live a godly, honest, and peaceable life? Is there another way apart from knowing the truth and obtaining the gift of salvation? On the other hand, if God does not want all men to know the truth and be saved, then he wants some men to live in wickedness, dishonesty and sin. Since God wants all men to turn away from evil ways, therefore He has salvation offered for them. Verse 6 says, "Jesus Christ, who gave himself a ransom for ALL". If God does not want all men to turn away from sin and believe on Jesus, then why pray for all men?
R In Psalm 49: 8, it says, “For the redemption of their soul is precious, and it ceaseth for ever:”
S Psalm 116:15 KJV says, “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.” God does not rejoice when men die in their sins. It does not say "precious is the death of the wicked". Does it please God when unsaved men die in their sins? If God is not pleased when wicked men die in their sins, why did He allow them to die in their condemned state? Is it because it's God's pleasure for them to die in their sins, or because they refuse the gift of salvation? Ezek 33:11 KJV, “Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?”
T Christ substitutionary death for all is evident in the fact that God is commanding the Gospel and remission of sins to be preach to every creature (Mt. 28:19;Mk. 16:15; Lk.24:47). "God...commandeth all men everywhere to repent", Acts 17:30. Is God sincere in his command that all men must repent? Is there really forgiveness of sins when a man repents? Why would God command his servants in His church to preach forgiveness of sins to every creature if Christ did not die for all men? Is forgiveness of sins possible without Christ's atonement? Of course not!
A Did Christ die for all men? Did he die for Paul as well as for Judas Iscariot? Since Judas went to hell, and Paul went to heaven, what did Paul do that Judas did not do to make the atonement of Christ successful? -- Ans. Paul received the atonement of Christ by faith but Judas did not. The atonement of Christ was provisional but beneficial to those who believe. Rom.5:11 tells us about receiving the atonement.
B If Christ died for some who went to hell, then the blood of Jesus shed for man's atonement was wasted? -- Answer: The blood of Jesus is sufficient for all men but efficient only to those who believe.
1 Example 1: The sun gives light to the world sufficiently and it is not wasted if some people do not want to avail of the light. John 3:19-20 says that Jesus is the light of the world but some men choose darkness rather than light.
2 Example 2: The rock in Horeb, which Moses struck, provided water first to all Israelites in the wilderness, yet only those who will come and drink will be satisfied. Jesus Christ, the living water, is sufficient for all men and the Spirit's invitation is extended to everyone, yet only those who will come and drink by faith will be satisfied spiritually. Rev.22:17 says, “...whosoever will let him take the water of freely" . (Isa 55:1 KJV) Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.
3 When the Lord send fiery serpents among Israelites in the wilderness. Moses was commanded by the Lord to make a serpent of brass. Any man bitten by a snake got healed and lived by looking upon the brazen serpent. The brazen serpent was provided for the healing of all Israelites who were bitten by snakes, but only those who looked upon it got healed, (Num. 21:6-9). Jesus Christ is GodÂ’s provision for the sins of all sinners. His atonement is sufficient for all, but only those who look upon Him by faith obtains salvation from God. The Lord said, "Look unto me, and be ye saved all the ends of the earth" (Isa.45:22).
C What actually gets a man to heaven, the atonement of Jesus Christ or the faith of man? Is the blood of Jesus sufficient to save man or it needs the cooperation of man? If it involves the cooperation of man, then it is salvation by works. –
1 It is the work of atonement of Jesus Christ that gets a man to heaven, and such atonement is sufficient to save him yet he cannot be benefited of the atonement unless he receives Christ by faith.
a Example 1. --A trustworthy plane can get you to America from the Philippines, yet you cannot be in America unless you rely on the plane and ride in that plane. It is not your belief or faith that carried you to America, it is the plane. But the trustworthiness and capability of the plane to carry you was realized when you believe. The Calvinist might say, “Riding in a plane requires amount of work such as climbing in the stairs”. Now let’s compare the depraved sinner to a sick person on a wheel chair. All he has to do is decide and some attendants are taking care of him and bringing him to board the plane. The plane is the fact. The pilot is Jesus. The attendant is the Holy Spirit aiding the sinner to trust Jesus. All the sick sinner has to do is to humble himself and believe and he founds himself safe and saved.
b Example 2.--An effective pain killer capsule provided by the doctor to a patient can relieve him of the pain, yet he will not be relieved unless he takes it. In the same way, GodÂ’s provision for our sins, which is the blood of Jesus, is sufficient for all but is efficient only to those who appropriate it by faith. Atonement must be received (Rom.5:11).
c Example 3 -- A man sentenced to die was offered pardon by the president, but he refused the pardon so death was executed to him. A pardon is a deed and without acceptance it cannot be yours. God's pardon is based upon Christ's death and it is offered to all sinners but it can only obtained by those who repent and believe. During the period of Pres. Cory Aquino, (former President of the Philippines) she offered a pardon for all rebels. However, only those who surrendered and returned to the Government were forgiven.
2 The blood of Jesus Christ is able to and will save man without his (man's) cooperation or works. The only thing God requires a man in order for the Holy Spirit to perform the operation of regeneration and salvation is humility and faith. The saving power of the blood is sufficient for all but beneficial to those who receive it. The atonement of Christ is for all; but the application of the atonement is limited to those who believe.
a When you ride in an airplane as a passenger you don't contribute anything to make the air plane fly. The plane itself with its machine & good pilot makes it fly. (Jesus is our pilot). However, you boarded in that plane because you believe it is trustworthy. In the same way, Christ is sufficient to save you, but you'll never be saved unless you believe and trust Him (Jn.3:16, 18, 36; 5: 24).
b Faith cannot be classified as works. In the Bible it is contrasted with works. Faith is in harmony with God's grace according to the passages -- Eph.2: 8-9; Rom.11:6;4:4-5.
D Since you say that Christ died for all men's sins, did he die for the sin of unbelief? If Christ died for the sin of unbelief of all men, then all men will go to heaven.---- The answer to the first question is yes; the latter is no! Though Christ died for the atonement of all men, it cannot be obtained unless a person recognizes and receives it. Christ atonement is provisional but effectual to those who believe.
1 Our Lord Jesus made atonement for sins when he died on the cross almost 2,000 years ago, but it takes effect to an individual at the moment of faith.
a Example 1 -- Arthur Doe was not born when Christ died on the cross almost 2,000 years ago, yet, Christ died for the sins of all men including Arthur Doe. So, when Arthur was born, and grew old , he could receive God's forgiveness on the basis of Christ death at the moment he believed.
2 Our Lord Jesus made Atonement for sins when he died on the cross after the Old Testament period, yet the efficacy of the blood and God's forgiveness were obtained by Old Testament believers who lived before Christ and his death.
a It is evident in the Bible that Old Testament believers were not saved by the animal sacrifices. Such were "shadow of things to come” or types of Christ sacrificial death on the cross, but it cannot take away sins but were only symbolical of the reality. The blood of Jesus is the only atonement for the sins of man. Heb.10:1 says, “ For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect.”. Verse 4 says, “For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.”
3 If the efficacy of the atonement was absolutely applied to an individual when Christ died on the cross for all elect without necessity of their (elect's) faith, the consequence will be:
a When Christ died on the cross almost 2,000 years ago, Arthur was not yet born, yet Christ died for all the sins of Arthur in a way that all his sins were already forgiven before he existed. So, when Arthur was born, he was born forgiven already and need not repent to be forgiven.
b The Old Testament believers who lived and died before Christ's death were not redeemed, hence, redemption of the elect, according to the Calvinists, took place only at the point of Christ's death almost 2,000 years ago. If the people in the Old Testament were saved by trusting upon God's provisions for their sins -Jesus Christ, whose death had not occur yet at that time, why couldn't be the people who live after Christ's be saved at the very moment of their faith?
E If Christ died for the sin of unbelief, why must that hinder them more than their other sins for which he died?
1 Answer: Though Christ died for your sins, you cannot receive His forgiveness of all your sins unless you believe. All your sins will be a hindrance for you to go to heaven, unless you receive God's offer of forgiveness by repentance and faith. Repentance and faith are God's requisites for a person to obtain salvation and forgiveness. God does not forgive just a part but all our sins. However, GodÂ’s salvation is conditional and it is conditioned on manÂ’s faith.
A Calvinists believe that Christ died only for the elect and that the word "world" in John 3:16 refers only to the elect.
1 In verse 19, Did Jesus come to give (offer) light to all people in the world or the elect only?
2 Did some men for whom light had come choose darkness?
3 Did the men who chose darkness had the opportunity to choose light?
4 If the word "world" refers only to the elect, then, the men who rejected the light and chose darkness refer only to the elect. Or else, the word, “world” refers to all men and not the elect only.
B Calvinists believe that the word "whosoever" in John 3:16 refers only the elect hence only the elect could believe.
1 Is God's plan of salvation "by faith" for all men? Is salvation by faith possible apart from Christ's death?
2 What is God's plan of salvation for people whom Christ did not die for? Did God intend them for hell? Will God save them by their faith if Christ did not die for their sins? Is GodÂ’s plan of salvation for man apart from faith?
3 Do you believe that “salvation by faith” is not for all men, but only for the elect? Do you mean that the phrase "whosoever believeth" is applicable only for the elect? If this means "whoso of the elect believes", then, there are some elect who will not believe. If it means the elect only, then it should have been specified in the passage since the word "whosoever" is too general. In the Webster's dictionary this means "no matter who". If it refers only to the elect, then it matters who should believe.
C Calvinists believe that when Christ died almost 2,000 years ago, all the elect including those who were not yet born were actually and absolutely redeemed. Concerning this, Lawrence Crawford said in a debate with Dr. J. R. Alexander: "When did the death of His Son take place? 2,000 years ago. Then we were reconciled to God 2,000 years ago. Col.1: 14 or 20...Redemption, Heb.9: 12. That took place when Jesus Christ died on the cross." (Crawford- Alexander Debate, 1979, p.167).
1 If an elect person were already reconciled to God almost 2000 years ago, why is it necessary for him to repent and believe in Christ? Is repentance a result of reconciliation, or reconciliation a result of repentance? If all elect of all ages were reconciled to God already at the time of Christ's death, why is the ministry of reconciliation necessary? Why did Paul say, "be ye reconciled to God" ( 2 Cor.5: 18-19). Can preachers today preach to the lost with the words. "be ye reconciled to God" or not?
2 If the elect were justified already when Christ died on the cross, does he need to exercise faith to be justified? Does not the Scripture teach that justification is by faith, Rom.5: 1? If the elect were justified already before he believes, why is it necessary for him to repent and believe?
3 Is the a person who is redeemed already but not yet regenerated? Is the "redeemed elect" who has not yet repented and believed condemned or not? Read John 3: 18, 36, Col.1:14. If reconciliation and redemption were received already by the elect before he repents and believe, then we have a redeemed elect who is under God's wrath and condemnation.
4 In Heb.9:12, it says, " his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us". Does this passage mean that all elect of all ages were redeemed at one time or it means that Christ, by his blood, provided redemption at one time yet the application of the atonement or redemptive work of Christ is at the point when a person receives Christ? If it means that all the elect of all ages were redeemed absolutely 2000 years ago when Christ died on the cross without the necessary requirement of faith, then, what about the Old Testament believers who lived and died before the time of Christ and his death? Can you say that the people in the Old Testament died without the redemption of their souls? However, if people in the Old Testament were saved by faith on the basis of God's redemption provided once for all men of all time, then no contradiction will occur in the teachings of the Bible. If people in the Old Testament were saved by faith on the basis of God's future provision, why not the people who lived after Christ's death and who believed on the basis of ChristÂ’s sacrifice which had already happened in the past. Though Christ died once, He died for all men of all time and the cleansing power of His blood is effective to all who believe?
D Calvinists believe that Jesus came to save not all sinners but some only, the elect, and that he is the savior of some men only.
1 Did Jesus come to save the lost according to Luke 19:10? Who are the lost, all men or the elect only? If the word "lost" refers only to the elect, then only the elect are lost. If only the elect are lost, then others are not lost.
2 In Matt.9: 12-13, Who needs a physician, the healthy or the sick? Is Jesus a Physician of the spiritually sick or the healthy? If the sick refers only to the elect, then the non-elect are not spiritually sick. Whom does Christ call to repentance, the sinners or the righteous? If the sinners refer only to the elect, then only the elect are sinners. Is Christ calling all men to repentance or some men only? If Christ is calling only some men to repentance, then he does not want others to repent. If Christ does not want other men to repent, then he wants them to continue in their evil deeds.
3 Read I John 4:14; John 4:42; Is Jesus the savior of the world or of some men only? Does He want all men to be reconciled to him or not? If He does not want all men to be reconciled to Him and be saved from their sins, is it His desire for some men to continue in their evil works? Since God is sovereign, what hinders him from saving others? Is it men's unbelief or His pleasure? Do you mean that it is God's will and pleasure for other men to reject Christ and live in wickedness, and die in their sins? Read Ezk.33: 11.
E Calvinists teach that it is God's desire and will for the elect to repent but not others according to their interpretation of II Pet.3: 9. According to them, the words, "us", "any" and "all" refers only to the elect, not all men.
1 Is it God's will for all men to repent or not? Is it God's will for some men to reject Christ, continue in their evil works, and end up in hell? Do some follow God's will in their lives when they do not repent and they continue in their evil ways? Is it God's pleasure to see the wickedness done in the face of the earth? If not, why won't He have all men regenerated unconditionally?
2 If God wants them to repent, but they could not repent because of their depraved nature, why won't God cause them to repent? If God wants them to repent and they would not repent, then, God is unable to fulfill his wants. Thus, the consequence of Calvinistic teaching is that God is taking pleasure in men's rejection of Christ. Such is contradictory to the BibleÂ’s teachings.
3 Another consequence of Calvinistic teaching is that those who do evil works are just doing God’s secret will. The Bible says, (Mat 7:21 KJV) “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.” If the non-elect persons are doing God’s will when they do evil, then they will enter heaven since only those who do God’s will can enter heaven. Such is contradictory to God’s word.
4 Is God sincere in commanding all men to repent? (Acts 17: 30). Does God sincerely want the wicked to forsake his evil ways? (Isa.55: 7). Why did God command all men to repent if He has no salvation offered for them? Is Christ sincere in offering eternal life even to those who rejected Him? (Jn.6: 47, 51; 5: 39-40). Why did Christ condemn the people of the cities of Chorazin and Bethsaida who did not repent if He was not sincere? (Matt.11: 20-24). Why did Christ condemn them for the thing which they are unable to do? Was Christ sincere or he was just mocking them, "come on repent even if you are unable to do that".
5 Since God is sincerely commanding all men everywhere to repent, then He has salvation offered to all, including those who rejected him. In John 5:39-40, "Search the Scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal life, and they are they which testify of me. And ye will not come to me that YE MIGHT HAVE LIFE". Is this real, if they will come to Christ, they will have life? If Christ is not offering salvation to them, He should have said, "and you will not come to me because there is no life for you". Salvation and forgiveness is possible only on the grounds of Christ's death. If Christ did not die for all, including those who rejected him, then He has no salvation for them to offer.
F Calvinists teach that Jesus did not die for those who rejected him.
1 Did Christ die for the nation of Israel? (John 11:50-51). Did the majority of the people of Israel reject him? See John 1:11. If the majority of the Israelites for whom Jesus died rejected him, the same is the application of John 3:16-19. Christ died for the world, but some people in the world rejected him.
2 Can a person reject something that which is not offered to him? The fact that there are many passages in the Scriptures, which show there are people who rejected Christ, it is evident that Christ was offered to them as a Savior. (Mt.21: 42; Mk.8: 31; Lk.17: 25; John12: 4

3 Jesus is both a Savior and a Judge. However, He was not offered to men as a judge but as a Savior. Thus, men cannot reject him as a judge but as a savior. When a man rejects Jesus, he rejects him as a Savior. If Christ is rejected, his offer of salvation on the basis of his death is rejected also. Christ cannot offer salvation apart from his death on the cross. Therefore, He died for all, including those who rejected him.